

Analysis of Dynamic Characteristics and Influencing Factors of Solid Rubber Bicycle Tires
摘要 轮胎是自行车的重要组成部分和承载部件。本研究基于某品牌单车实心橡胶轮胎,通过橡胶超弹-黏弹本构模型的建立,对实心橡胶轮胎进行瞬态动力学仿真,分析其应力、应变,中心轴垂直位移等特性,得出材料与轮胎应力、应变、中心轴在垂直方向跳动之间的关系。结果表明:橡胶材料硬度对应力、应变以及轮胎中心轴垂直方向跳动均有较大影响;利用正交试验得出影响应力、应变和中心轴垂直方向跳动的尺寸主因素皆为轮胎厚度,分别研究轮胎厚度和直径与应力,应变和中心轴垂直方向跳动的关系。结果表明,轮胎厚度相比直径对应变、应力以及轮胎中心轴垂直方向跳动均有较大影响。 Tires are one of the most essential part of the bicycle and the loading part.This research is based on solid rubber tires of a certain brand of bicycle,the transient dynamic simulation of solid rubber tires was carried out by establishing the hyper elastic-viscoelastic constitutive model of rubber.Through this way,the features of the stresses and strains on tires and the vertical displacement of central shaft can be analyzed.Meanwhile,the research can get the relationship among rubber materials,stresses and strains on tires and the vertical jumpiness of central shaft.The result shows that the hardness of rubber materials have great effects on tires’stresses and strains and the vertical jumpiness of tires’central shaft.In addition,the orthogonal experiment revels that the thickness of tires is the main size factor that affects the stresses and strains on tires and the vertical jumpiness of central shaft.After testing the relationship among tires’thickness,diameter,stresses and strains on tires and the vertical jumpiness of central shaft.The result shows that tires’thickness has greater impact on tires’stresses and strains and the vertical jumpiness of tires’central shaft compared with tires’diameter.
作者 初红艳 王瑞 陈其 洪英洁 CHU Hong-yan;WANG Rui;CHEN Qi;HONG Ying-jie(Technology Institute of Advanced Manufacturing and Intelligent Technology of Beijing University of Technology,Beijing 100124,China)
出处 《机械设计与制造》 北大核心 2021年第2期241-245,共5页 Machinery Design & Manufacture
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(51675010) 北京市教委科技计划项目(KM201710005015)。
关键词 实心自行车轮胎 橡胶 应力应变 中心轴跳动 正交试验 Solid Bicycle Tires Rubber Stresses and Strains The Jumpiness of Central Shaft Orthogonal Experiment
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