Although its opponent has disappeared,NATO did not collapse after the Cold War.Rather,it survived and maintained good development by accepting new members,proposing new strategies and implementing new operations.In NATO's new expansion,new strategies,and new actions,Central and Eastern European countries have played an important role.The accession of these countries increased the number of NATO members from 16 to 30 and expanded its territory a lot.The situations brought by the Fall of Communism in Eastern Europe,especially the Yugoslav Wars,prompted NATO to propose new strategic concepts.Further,the Bosnia-Herzegovina War,Kosovo War and Macedonian crisis became the testing grounds for NATO's strategies.Central and Eastern European countries have participated in NATO operations in Bosnia and Herzegovina,Kosovo,Afghanistan,and Iraq,as well as military deployments against Russia after the Ukrainian crisis,and made unique contributions.At the same time,the accession of Central and Eastern European countries have also brought new challenges to NATO in terms of decision-making efficiency,action capacity,responsibility sharing and values.But given their military and national strength,these countries have limited influence within NATO and their entry will not endanger NATO's survival and development.
Academic Journal of Russian Studies
Central and Eastern Europe
expansion of NATO
new strategic concept of NATO
collective defense
crisis management