
渤海湾贝壳堤现状及保护建议 被引量:9

Research status and protection suggestions of cheniers on Bohai Bay
摘要 贝壳堤是沿岸堤的一个分支,其在全球广泛分布,作为地学术语最早出现于1891年路易斯安那大学的地形图中,Chenier术语来源于墨西哥湾北部路易斯安那州平原的海堤,因上面长着高大橡树而得名。渤海湾西岸分布着5至6道、断续绵延数十至上百公里的贝壳堤,是大自然馈赠该地区的重要地质遗迹,不仅在研究海岸带古环境演化方面具有重要科学价值,而且在海岸带生态保护和修复方面亦具有重要现实意义。本文系统回顾了渤海湾贝壳堤研究的历史沿革和近年来在贝壳堤调查研究方面取得的新认识,在此基础上,提出了渤海湾贝壳堤保护建议:(1)积极推进贝壳堤博物馆和野外观测站建设,包括将天津市滨海新区青坨子核心区的裸露、半裸露贝壳堤点开辟为免费参观点,将天津市津南区巨葛庄在搬迁后残破的倪家大坟Ⅲ堤做进一步管护和开放;(2)改变河北省黄骅市后唐堡贝壳堤目前仅用栏杆围起来的被动保护局面,与附近学校联合,开辟为认识海洋的学生实习基地;(3)作为整个渤海湾(甚至全国)最后一处较为完整的自然存在的贝壳堤,建议提升山东省无棣县汪子岛保护区的地位,加强该处贝壳堤-泻湖盐沼系统的保护与科学研究。 Chenier is a branch of the beach ridge, which is widely distributed around the world. As a geological term, it firstly appeared in the topographic map of the University of Louisiana in 1891. The Chenier term comes from the sea wall in the Louisiana Plain in the northern Gulf of Mexico, which is named after the tall oak tree living there. On the west coast of the Bohai Bay, there are 5 to 6 Chenier that stretch for tens to hundreds of kilometers, which are important geological relics gifted by nature to this region. They not only have important scientific value in studying the evolution of the ancient coastal environment, but also have important practical significance on ecological protection and restoration. This paper systematically reviews the study historical and new founds on Cheniers of Bohai Bay in recent years. Based on this, some Chenier protection suggestions were given as follows.(1) Actively promote the construction of the Chenier museum and field observation including the opening of the bare and semi-naked Chenier in the core area of Qingtuozi in Tianjin Binhai New Area as a free visit point, and further management of the Nijiadafen No. Ⅲ Chenier that was broken after the relocation of Jugezhuang in Jinnan District, Tianjin.(2) Change the current passive protection situation of the Chenier of Houtangpu in Huanghua, Hebei province, which is only protected by railings, and cooperate with nearby schools to open up as an internship base for students who understand the coastal evolution.(3) the last relatively complete naturally existing Chenier in entire Bohai Bay(even nationwide), it is ungent to upgrade the status of Wangzi Island Reserve in Wudi, Shandong Province, and strengthen the protection and scientific research on the Chenierlagoon salt marsh system.
作者 王福 商志文 李建芬 姜兴钰 文明征 施佩歆 田立柱 陈永胜 杨朋 胡云壮 李勇 袁海帆 王宏 WANG Fu;SHANG Zhi-wen;LI Jian-fen;JIANG Xing-yu;WEN Ming-zheng;SHI Pei-xin;TIAN Li-zhu;CHEN Yong-sheng;YANG Peng;HU Yun-zhuang;LI Yong;YUAN Hai-fan;WANG Hong(Tianjin Centre,China Geological Survey,Tianjin 300170,China;Key Laboratory of Coast Geo-environment,China Geological Survey,CGS,Tianjin 300170,China;North China Center for Geoscience Innovation,China Geological Survey,Tianjin 300170,China)
出处 《地质调查与研究》 2020年第4期293-316,共24页 Geological Survey and Research
基金 中国地质调查局项目“津冀沿海资源环境承载能力调查(DD20189506)” 国家自然科学基金面上项目“渤海湾全新世海面标志点研究与变化历史重建(41372173)” 国家自然基金面青年基金项目“渤海湾西北岸4ka BP前后古环境重建(41806109)”。
关键词 贝壳堤 环境变化 海岸带 生态保护 渤海湾 chenier geological evolution coast ecological protection Bohai Bay
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