
浅析低VOCs车辆涂料对大气污染防治的推动作用 被引量:1

Active Effect of Low VOCs Vehicle Coatings on Air Pollution Prevention and Control
摘要 随着我国汽车制造业持续发展,车辆涂料在我国涂料总量中占有较大份额,其中大部分是常规溶剂型涂料。近年来,全国各地纷纷出台地方或地区法律法规或规章制度,鼓励使用低VOCs涂料产品。本文总结了现有车辆涂料相关领域的政策法规,对比了国内外车辆涂料标准指标,分析了低VOCs车辆涂料对促进大气污染防治攻坚战的推动作用,并提出相关建议。 With the development of China's vehicle industry,vehicle coatings occupy a large market share in total coatings,most of which are conventional solvent-based coatings.In recent years,local authorities have issued their own laws,regulations or rules to encourage the use of coating products with low volatile organic compounds.This article summarizes the existing policies and regulations of the vehicle coatings industry,compares the domestic and foreign vehicle coatings standards,and analyzes the active effect of low VOCs vehicle coatings on air pollution prevention and control,and finally puts forward relevant suggestions.
作者 王晓萌 张晓卉 祁然 任慧 曹磊 Wang Xiaomeng;Zhang Xiaohui;Qi Ran;Ren Hui;Cao Lei(Sino-Japan Friendship Centre for Environmental Protection,Beijing 100029,China)
出处 《涂层与防护》 2021年第1期19-22,23,共5页 Coating and Protection
基金 国家重点研发项目“电力、化工、印刷等行业典型大气污染物防治认证评价技术研究”(2017YFF0211803)。
关键词 低VOCs 车辆涂料 大气污染防治 指标体系 low VOCs vehicle coatings air pollution prevention and control index system
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