
一种模块化城轨超级电容储能系统及其控制方法 被引量:1

A Modularized Super Capactior Energy Storage System for Metro Train and Its Control Algorithm
摘要 城轨列车的电制动会产生可观的再生制动能量,将多余的再生制动能量进行二次利用可提高系统的节能率。为此,文章提出了一种模块化超级电容储能系统,其基于低压高频变流模块串并联,通过串联系统的直流分压控制,实现了储能系统能量双向流动、充放电电压电流的平稳,并且能使系统快速响应,系统充电响应时间不大于100 ms。基于一套300 kW超级电容储能双向直流变换装置进行了正线挂网验证,结果表明,采用该储能系统后,平均每天节省电量约25 kW·h,节能效果明显。 Electric braking of urban rail vehicle produces considerable regenerative braking energy and secondary utilization of the surplus regenerative braking energy can improve energy saving rate of the system.This paper proposed a modularized super capacitor energy storage system.By using low voltage and high frequency converter modules,and connecting the converter modules in series and parallel,the energy storage system realizes two-way flow,stable charging and discharging voltage and current through the DC voltage division control of the series system.which can make the system respond quickly and the charging response time of the system is not more than 100 ms.Experimental verification of the proposed theoretical scheme on a 300 kW super capacitor energy storage device is carried out and the results show that its average power saving is 25 kW·h per day and the energy saving effect is good.
作者 陈广赞 刘兰 黄德亮 易韵岚 CHEN Guangzan;LIU Lan;HUANG Deliang;YI Yunlan(Zhuzhou CRRC Times Electric Co.,Ltd.,Zhuzhou,Hunan 412001,China;Guangzhou Metro Group Co.,Ltd.,Guangzhou,Guangdong 510000,China)
出处 《控制与信息技术》 2020年第6期61-66,共6页 CONTROL AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY
基金 国家发改委重大技术装备攻关工程项目(BZDT-07)。
关键词 轨道交通 双向直流变换装置 超级电容 串并联技术 恒电流控制 恒功率控制 rail transit bi-directional DC converter super capacitor serial and parallel technology constant current control constant power control
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