The common property affordable housing,as the widely used pattern of future affordable housing,has been confirmed basically by Chinese laws and regulations.However,the legislators at this stage are mainly focus on system construction,ignoring specific issues in the system operation.In practice,due to lack of specific legal rules,many matters regarding common property housing are freely agreed between the guaranteed groups and the government,which requests higher standard of legitimacy review conducted by notary agencies.In particular,it is illegal to transfer,guarantee,lease or even divide the fair share in the purchase of less than 5 years period and notary organs should refuse to deal with such notarization;The debt arising from the use and management of the house can be fully borne by the guaranteed groups.The government is not exempt from the liability because it does not have the effect of publicity and the notary organs shall carefully verify such contractual terms;The debt caused by the house tort can be fully undertaken by the guaranteed groups,which can be notarized by the notary organs;The property management fees and property ownership can be fully undertaken and enjoyed by the guaranteed groups,which can be notarized by the notary organs;General management behavior can be clearly defined as the guaranteed groups alone,and major behavior repairing is not appropriate to make the government’s decision-making power by the majority of the decision-making mechanism,and notary organs need to carry out substantive review;Whether it is statutory or testamentary succession,notary organs should be cautious about succession notarization in the 5-year lock-up period,and take a relatively relaxed attitude towards succession notarization over the 5-year lock-up period.
The Northern Forum
Joint Ownership
Fair Share
Basic Guarantee