
氮肥一次性基施对不同机直播水稻产量和品质的影响 被引量:20

Effects of one-time nitrogen basal application on the yield and quality of different direct-seeding rice crops by machine
摘要 为探索不同机直播方式下优质食味水稻氮肥一次性基施的轻简高效栽培技术,该研究以迟熟中粳南粳9108为材料,在水、旱2种机直播方式下,设置控释-速效氮肥配方A一次性基施处理(T1)、控释-速效氮肥配方B一次性基施处理(T2)和速效尿素定量分施处理(CK),研究氮素一次性基施对2种机直播水稻产量和品质的影响及该施肥方式下不同机直播水稻产量和品质特征与差异。结果表明,产量方面,不同机直播水稻氮肥一次性基施处理产量均超过9.0×10^3 kg/hm^2,水直播稻产量由高到低的顺序为CK、T1、T2,其中CK与T1差异不显著,旱直播稻产量由高到低的顺序为CK、T2、T1,其中CK与T2差异不显著。同一施肥处理下,除T1处理的水直播稻产量显著高于旱直播外,其他处理的水、旱直播稻产量差异不显著。品质方面,与CK相比,氮肥一次性基施处理改善了稻米加工品质和营养品质,整精米率和蛋白质含量分别提高5.79%~12.21%、1.18%~3.86%;外观品质变差,垩白度增加0.16%~15.12%;直链淀粉含量降低1.14%~5.12%。水直播稻食味值在T1与CK间差异不显著,但均显著高于T2(P<0.05),旱直播稻食味值在施肥处理间差异不显著。氮肥一次性基施处理的RVA谱特征值中峰值黏度、热浆黏度、最终黏度和崩解值较CK降低,消减值和回复值较CK增加。不同机直播方式间,水稻加工品质和外观品质无显著差异;直链淀粉含量由高到低的顺序为水直播、旱直播;蛋白质含量由大到小的顺序为旱直播、水直播,差异不显著;食味值差异不显著;崩解值由大到小的顺序为水直播、旱直播,差异显著(P<0.05),消减值由大到小的顺序为旱直播、水直播,差异显著(P<0.05),水稻淀粉RVA谱其他特征值差异不显著。综上,水直播方式下选用控释-速效氮肥配方A一次性基施,旱直播方式下选用控释-速效氮肥配方B一次性基施可实现水稻稳产并改善部分米质,且大幅度减少施肥次数,利于机直播稻轻简化优质稳产的高效生产。 This study aims to explore the light,simple,and efficient production way for one-time basal application of nitrogen fertilizer in the whole process of high-quality eating rice under different types of mechanical direct seeding.The field experiment was conducted in 2018 and 2019 at an agriculture experiment station in Jiangyan District of Jiangsu Province,China.The material was used as the late-maturing medium japonica high quality rice variety Nanjing 9108.Two formulas of controlled-release available nitrogen fertilizer were set under the water and dry direct seeding:controlled-release-available nitrogen fertilizer formulation A basal application(T1),controlled release-available nitrogen fertilizer formulation B basal application(T2),and the application of common urea in several times as the control(CK).An investigation was made to clarify the effects of one-time nitrogen basal application on the rice yield and quality under two mechanical direct seeding.The results showed that the rice yield reached 9.0×10^3 kg/hm^2 in the controlled release-available nitrogen fertilizer formulation,beyond that in various direct seeding.In water direct seeding,the yield of water direct seeding rice was ranked from large to small,CK,T1,and T2,indicating no significant difference between CK and T1.In dry direct seeding,the rice yield of dry direct seeding was ranked in a descend order:CK,T2 and T1,indicating no significant difference between CK and T2.The rice yield in a water direct seeding was larger than that of a dry direct seeding.In terms of quality,compared with CK,the controlled release-available nitrogen fertilizer treatments significantly improved the rice processing and nutritional quality,where the head milled rice rate and protein content increased by 5.79%-12.21%and 1.18%-3.86%,respectively,and chalkiness increased by 0.16%-15.12%,but the appearance quality became worse,and the amylose content decreased by 1.14%-5.12%.There was no significant difference in the taste value of dry direct seeding among treatments,or the water direct seeding between T1 and CK,but significantly higher than that of T2.In the RVA profile for the controlled release-available nitrogen fertilizer formulation,peak viscosity,trough viscosity,final viscosity,and breakdown were lower than those in CK,while,the setback and consistence were higher than those of CK.There was no significant difference in the rice processing and appearance quality among direct seeding.The amylose content was larger in the water than that in the dry direct seeding.The protein was higher in the dry direct seeding than that in the water direct seeding,indicating there was no significant difference in taste value.In the RVA profile,the water direct seeding was significantly higher than dry direct seeding in breakdown(P<0.05),indicating the dry direct seeding significantly better than the water direct seeding in setback value(P<0.05).One-time basal application of controlled release-available nitrogen fertilizer formulation A in the water direct seeding and formulation B in dry direct seeding can achieve the stable rice yield,and high quality of rice,indicating a great reduction of fertilization frequency.The finding can be beneficial to simplify the production of high quality,stable yield,and high efficiency of mechanical direct seeding rice.
作者 程爽 李绍平 田晋钰 邢志鹏 胡雅杰 郭保卫 魏海燕 高辉 张洪程 Cheng Shuang;Li Shaoping;Tian Jinyu;Xing Zhipeng;Hu Yajie;Guo Baowei;Wei Haiyan;Gao Hui;Zhang Hongcheng(Jiangsu Key Laboratory of Crop Genetics and Physiology/Jiangsu Co-Innovation Center for Modern Production Technology of Grain Crops/Research institute of Rice Industrial Engineering Technology,Yangzhou University,Yangzhou 225009,China)
出处 《农业工程学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2020年第24期1-10,共10页 Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering
基金 江苏省农业科技自主创新资金(CX(20)1012) 国家现代农业产业技术体系(CARS-01-27) 江苏省农业科技创新与推广项目 国家重点研发计划项目(2016YFD0300503) 国家自然科学基金资助项目(31801293) 江苏省高校优势学科建设工程资助项目。
关键词 农业机械 种植 农艺 控释氮肥 直播方式 水稻 产量 品质 agricultural machinery cultivation agriculture controlled-release nitrogen fertilizer direct-seeding method rice yield quality
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