
基于游戏的心理测评 被引量:11

Game-based psychological assessment
摘要 基于游戏的心理测评是指通过游戏或游戏化的活动,对一个人的能力、人格等心理特性和行为进行量化测评。早期主要用于评估教育和训练的效果,而后发展成对心理特性的测评。基于游戏的测评作为一项新技术在测评形式、测评过程和测评结果上均具有优势。目前基于游戏的测评形成了以证据中心设计为基础的范式,用于指导建立测评工具和开展实证研究,并在测评个体认知能力和非认知能力方面均有实践。然而当前该技术仍处于起步阶段,未来研究可以在任务设计、结果分析及实践应用方面进一步拓展深入。 Game-Based Psychological Assessment(GBPA)refers to the evaluation of a person's ability,personality,and other psychological characteristics through games or gamified activities.In the early days,it was mainly used to evaluate the effectiveness of education and training,and later extended to assessing psychological characteristics.As a new technology,game-based assessment has advantages in terms of form,process and outcome.Currently,a paradigm based on evidence-centered design has been developed in game-based assessment to design instruments and to conduct empirical studies.This paradigm has been applied to assessing individual differences in cognitive and non-cognitive abilities.However,this technique is still in its infancy.Future research can be further expanded in task design,data mining,and practical application.
作者 徐俊怡 李中权 XU Junyi;LI Zhongquan(Department of Psychology,School of Social and Behavioral Sciences,Nanjing University,Nanjing 210023,China)
出处 《心理科学进展》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2021年第3期394-403,共10页 Advances in Psychological Science
基金 教育部人文社科规划基金项目(20YJA190004) 江苏省教育厅高校哲学社会科学研究重点项目(2018SJZD I203)。
关键词 基于游戏的测评 证据中心设计 认知能力 非认知能力 game-based assessment evidence-centered design cognitive ability non-cognitive ability
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