7Hsieh Chia-chen and Lilian Wu. Ex-president says tribunalruling ‘unfair,’ ‘unreasonable’ in WSJ. [EB/OL].2016-07-27[2016-07-30] .http://www.globalsecurity.org/wmd/library/news/taiwan/2016/taiwan-160727-cna01 .htm.
8Arbitral court not a UN agency [EB/OL].Asia NewsNetwork, 2016-07-14 [2016-07-20]. http://globaination.inquirer.net/141125/arbitral-court-not-a-un-agency.
9The International Court of Justice (ICJ) wishes to draw theattention of the media and the public to the fact that theAward in the South China Sea Arbitration was issued by anArbitral Tribunal acting with the secretarial assistance ofthe Permanent Court of Arbitration [EB/OL]. 2016-07-14[2016-07-26], http: //www.icj-cij.org /homepage/.