本文从法国的城市更新政策谈起,探索了景观正义是如何引导一系列新类型公共艺术介入法国城市更新项目;以巴黎老邻居项目(Les grands voisins)为例,探讨了在该项目中互联网社区如何促成非营利性居民的艺术、设计团队组织的生成,进一步通过社区艺术性公共空间的构成将这种设计师引导下民众实施为主要结构,构建出新的自治性的社区精细化管理模式。研究表明,这种模式使得社区经济—社区融合—设计创新之间形成有效循环,设计不只解决当下的问题,它还可以令社区拥有可持续性的活力。
From the perspective of French urban renewal policy,this paper explores how landscape justice can lead a series of new genre public art engaged French urban renewal projects.Taking"Les Grands Voisins"project as an example,it attempts to understand how the Internet community contributes to the formation of non-profit residents’organizations in art and design,and then by constructing the public art space in communities,a model of fine management in the new autonomous communities is structured with the designer guiding the residents to implement.Research shows that such a model can form an effective cycle between community economy,community integration and design innovation.Design not only solves current problems,but also makes the community maintain sustainable vitality.
Public Art