
基于合法性视角的新物种涌现机理研究:花椒直播的案例分析 被引量:4

The new category emerging mechanism based on legitimacy perspective: A case study of Huajiao Live Streaming
摘要 伴随企业组织间的跨界融合创新,大量新物种不断涌现并快速崛起,如移动视频直播在不足两年的时间里已成为人们消化碎片时间的重要娱乐方式,发展速度令人瞠目。本文旨在研究移动视频直播作为新生事物从出现到被市场、消费者广泛接受的过程中如何获得合法性,并探究其合法化过程与新物种的涌现机理。通过对花椒直播进行纵向案例研究,得出结论,新物种涌现的过程是一个合法化过程,新物种涌现阶段不同,其合法性获得的侧重点亦有所不同。据此,本文针对新物种涌现的合法化过程给出了相应的政策和建议。 In recent years, information technologies have been developed extremely rapid and the development of IT such as Web2.0, smartphones, and cloud computing have not only brought a digital revolutionary impact on the production, life and the entertainment of people, but also stimulated the emergence of brand-new kind of business models as well as organization forms. The innovation activities of enterprises are no longer limited inside the enterprises or industries, moreover new technology and new concept continue to break through the boundaries of regions, organizations, and technologies. Cross-border, mix & match, and innovation ecosystem are becoming new models that lead different industries to integrate innovation and development. In particular, as the Internet is an open, sharing and distributed system, the cross-border integration and innovation among various participants has been taken for granted to lead to the emergence of a large number of new categories, such as mobile live streaming, AI medical robots, and driverless cars. Specifically, mobile live streaming becomes one of the most important ways to kill time confetti in less than two years like a storm. Therefore, this paper aims to figure out, as a new category, how mobile live streaming obtain legitimacy within the process from emergence to application, and to explore the process of obtaining legitimacy and the emergence mechanism of new categories. This paper takes Huajiao Live as an example to explore how a new category obtain legitimacy. The results show that legitimacy is an important resource for an organization to survive, maintain and develop. The acquisition of legitimacy is extremely important in the daily operation of an organization. As the label of a new organization, the emergence process of new categories is inseparable from the legitimacy acquisition process of the new organization. Most of the existing researches focus on how the mature companies can further improve the legitimacy of the organization, but few studies examine the legalization strategies adopted by new ventures from a vertical perspective, especially in the context of an unsound institutional environment. Through the longitudinal case study of the Huajiao Live, it is found that: First, the legitimacy acquisition process of new categories has obvious stages, and each stage focuses on different kinds of legitimacy. Specifically, new categories faces the lack of supervision at the initial stage of emergence. In the absence of external constraints, companies need to rely on ethics to self-discipline and obtain regulatory legitimacy. On the one hand, in the development stage, relevant regulatory rules are gradually improved, enterprises should continuously regulate the corporate behavior to behave in accordance with relevant laws and regulations to obtain regulatory legitimacy. And on the other hand, cooperating with appropriate companies to obtain normative legitimacy. Secondly, although there are different stages when enterprises obtain legitimacy, but regulatory legitimacy, normative legitimacy and cognitive legitimacy are equally important to enterprises. The lack of any kind of legitimacy will lead a huge impact on the development of enterprises. Finally, the acquisition of cognitive legitimacy runs through the entire process of acquiring the legitimacy of new categories. Enterprises should pay extremely high attention to cognitive legitimacy and implement appropriate strategies.
作者 葛安茹 唐方成 Ge Anru;Tang Fangcheng(School of Economics and Management,Beijing Jiaotong University,Beijing 100044,China;College of Economics and Management,Beijing University of Chemical Technology,Beijing 100029,China)
出处 《科研管理》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2020年第12期112-120,共9页 Science Research Management
基金 国家自然科学基金重点项目(71532003) 国家自然科学基金面上项目(72072008) 中央高校基本科研业务费(2017YJS070) 北京化工大学一流学科建设专项资金(XK1802-5)。
关键词 新物种 合法性 移动视频直播 new category legitimacy Huajiao Live Streaming
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