
健康中国战略下“健康优先”的生成逻辑与治理架构 被引量:13

The Generative Logic and Governance Structure of Health Priority under the Healthy China Initiative
摘要 当前和今后一个时期,“健康优先”成为建设健康中国、推进健康治理的重要工具和主要归宿。不过,学界和实务界对于“健康优先”的研究依然比较薄弱,国内外尚无“健康优先”的统一定义。《“健康中国2030”规划纲要》对“健康优先”所做的简明扼要的表述,为系统阐释“健康优先”的核心要义提供了重要线索和参照。秉持“大卫生、大健康”理念,除了蕴含的基本价值判断和方向引领的作用外,“健康优先”还具有明确的实践意涵和鲜明的工具属性,必然将在中国下一步的高质量发展中释放出重要功能。坚持合目的性与合规律性的有机统一,遵循人力资本的理论内核和实践历程,重点结合该纲要精神,融合政策语境和社会现实,变换历史时空和战略视野,可以解读和梳理我国“健康优先”的政策意蕴和生成脉络。改革开放以来,我国先后提出并实施的教育优先战略、人才优先战略、就业优先战略、健康优先战略,可以视为经济社会实践中对人力资本理论的深度遵循和极致化运用,既体现了我国经济社会发展水平的提升,也反映了党和国家治国理政方略的深化。“健康优先”战略无疑将成为人力资本优先发展战略“组合拳”中的后起之秀和重中之重。面向新时代卫生健康领域的主要矛盾,秉持全流程管理的理念,可以系统而全面地探求“健康优先”的治理架构。下一步应响应和借鉴世界卫生组织“将健康融入所有政策”的倡议,恪守“把健康摆在优先发展的战略地位”的价值取向,运用“立足国情,将促进健康的理念融入公共政策制定实施的全过程”这一实施方式和工作方法,尤其是要贯通目标设定、组织保障、政策融入、绩效考核等环节,进一步明确“健康优先”的目标导向,夯实“健康优先”的组织保障,健全“健康优先”的政策体系,创新“健康优先”的共治机制,强化“健康优先”的绩效考核,有效协同相关政策,充分释放集成效应,从而“加快形成有利于健康的生活方式、生态环境和经济社会发展模式,实现健康与经济社会良性协调发展”。 At present and in the future,Health Priority has become an important tool and main target for building Healthy China and promoting health governance.However,the research on Health Priority is still relatively weak,and there is no unified definition of Health Priority both at home and abroad.The concise description of Health Priority in The Plan For A Healthy China 2030 provides important clues and references for the systematic interpretation of the core of Health Priority.Adhering to awide concept of health,in addition to the basic value judgment and direction leading function,Health Priority also has clear practical implications and distinct tool attributes,which will surely play an important role in China's next step of high-quality development.The paper adheres to the organic unity of regularity and purpose,follows the theoretical kernel and practical course of human capital,combines the spirit of Healthy China 2030 initiative,integrates the policy context and social reality,and combs the evolution and policy context of Health Priority from the perspective of history and strategy.Since the reform and opening up,China has put forward and implemented strategies such as Education Priority,Talent Priority,Employment Priority and Health Priority,which can be regarded as the deep follow and extreme application of human capital theory in economic and social practice.They not only reflect the improvement of China's economic and social development level,but also reflect the deepening of the CPC’s and the state's governance strategy.Health Priority will undoubtedly become the rising star and top priority in the combination strategy of human capital priority.Facing the main contradictions in the field of health in the new era,the paper upholds the concept of whole process management to explore the rich connotation of Health Priority systematically and comprehensively.In the next step,we should respond to and learn from the initiative of“Health in All Policies”by the World Health Organization,strictly abide by the strategic position of Health Priority,and integrate the concept of promoting health into the whole process of public policy formulation and implementation based on national conditions.Focusing on Health Priority especially,we should further clarify the goal orientation,consolidate the organizational guarantee,improve the policy system,innovate the co-governance mechanism,strengthen the performance appraisal,and effectively cooperate with relevant policies,and fully release the integrated effect so as to accelerate the formation of a healthy life,ecological environment and economic and social development mode,and realize the healthy and harmonious development of economy and society.
作者 袁廿一 YUAN Nianyi(School of Management,Hainan Medical University,Haikou571199;Free Trade Port Research Centre,Hainan Normal University,Haikou571158,China)
出处 《四川轻化工大学学报(社会科学版)》 2021年第1期1-9,共9页 Journal of Sichuan University of Science & Engineering:Social Sciences Edition
基金 国家社会科学基金项目(18CGL001)。
关键词 健康中国 健康优先 健康治理 人力资本 公共政策 全流程 Healthy China health priority health governance human capital public policy whole process
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