Objective To investigate the differences in magnetic resonance imaging(MRI) between patients with ea rly onset and late onset Pa rkinson’s disease(PD).Methods A retrospective analysis was performed on MRI examinlation data of 105 PD patients who were examined and treated in the First Affiliated Hospital of Nanyang Medical College from February 2016 to February 2019.According to onset age,patients with ea rly onset(age not greater than 50 years old) or late onset(age greater than 50 years old) PD were divided into early onset group(n=52) and late onset group(n=53),respectively.The average susceptibility,gray matter density and brain gray matter volume in region of interest(ROI)were compa red between the two groups.Results The average susceptibility in brain substantia nigra reticular site,nucleus and substantia nigra compact part of late onset group was significantly higher than that in ea rly onset group(P<0.05).The gray matter density in left parahippocampal gyrus,left top frontal gyrus,left cingulate gyrus and left middle frontal gyrus of late onset group was significa ntly lower than that of early onset group(P<0.05).The gray matter volume at right odontoid nucleus in early onset group was significantly lower than that in late onset group(P<0.05),while gray matter volume at Crus Ⅱ right and left hemispheres,left hemispheres of Ⅶb and Ⅷa,medial and lateral right hemisphere of Ⅶb and Ⅷa was significantly higher than that in late onset group(P<0.05).Conclusion There are differences in brain iron deposition,brain gray matter density and volume in patients with early onset and late onset PD,which can provide basis for symptomatic treatment in late period.
LU Yu(MRI Room,The First Affiliated Hospital of Nanyang Medical College,Nanyang 473000,Henan Province,China)
Chinese Journal of CT and MRI