为对邻近某明挖地铁车站的道路沉降进行评估,采用FLAC~(3D)软件数值模拟与实测相结合的分析方法,以道路沉降设计控制值累计小于10 mm为沉降稳定可控的判定标准,研究了明挖地铁车站不同施工工况下邻近道路的累计沉降量。研究结果表明:地铁明挖车站开挖期间道路累计沉降及沉降范围逐渐增大,沉降增幅逐渐减小,道路模拟最大沉降5.9 mm,实测最大沉降6.3 mm;车站主体结构完成后,道路实测最大沉降6.6 mm,道路沉降处于稳定可控状态。
To evaluate a road settlement around a open-cut metro station,the study designs controlling values of accumulated road settlement less than 10 mm as the road settlement stabilization,by adopting FLAC 3D software to proceed numerical simulation combined with the measurement to study accumulated road settlements under different construction conditions.The research results show that the road settlement is in a stable and controllable state,during the excavation of the open-cut metro.The maximum road simulation settlement was 5.9 mm and the real measured road settlement was 6.3 mm,the measured road settlement arrived 6.6 mm after the completion of the metro station body construction.
Huang Yongjian;Shen Feng(Dalian Fanhua Engineering Construction Supervision Co.Ltd.,Dalian 116000,China;Civil Engineering College,Dalian Jiaotong University,Dalian 116028,China)
Journal of Gansu Sciences