
旱区人地耦合系统水-粮食-生态关联研究述评 被引量:12

Review and prospect of the water-food-ecosystem nexus in dryland’s Coupled Human-Earth System
摘要 气候变化和人类活动影响下的旱区水-粮食-生态关联机制,是人地耦合系统研究的前沿科学问题之一,为全面保障以水安全为纽带的旱区生态安全和粮食安全提供科学支撑。本研究通过梳理水-粮食-生态关联研究前沿,凝练得到四方面认识:①在时空特征判别中,旱区土地利用是普遍涉及的水-粮食-生态关联载体;②在驱动机制分析中,生态系统服务权衡协同关系得到关注,但研究多止步于统计描述;③在模型使用中,社会水文系统模型是重要研发对象,生命周期模型和生态系统服务流模型也得以使用;④在决策支持中,基于水-粮食-生态关联视角并适用于本地旱区的国土空间规划、资源用途管制、资源使用增效途径仍处探索阶段。在未来研究中,有必要深化旱区生态水文过程对农业生产的影响与响应、旱区生态系统服务权衡及其对人类福祉的影响、旱区水生态安全格局优化下的国土空间开发与保护等研究议题,从而架构水-粮食-生态关联研究从科学到决策的桥梁。 The mechanism of water-food-ecosystem nexus in dryland under climate change and human activities is one of the frontier scientific issues in the study of Coupled Human-Earth System. The research output can provide scientific support for the comprehensive guarantee of ecological security and food security linked by water security in dryland. In this study, the research frontier of water-food-ecosystem nexus was sorted in the following four aspects. First,land use change is an important entry point on studying the spatio-temporal characteristics of water-food-ecosystem nexus in dryland. Second, the synergy-tradeoff of ecosystem services can be used to analyze the driving force of water-food-ecology nexus, while the current cases are mostly limited to the statistical description and have not obtained the mechanism. Third,social-hydrological system model is an important direction for the development of Coupled Human-Earth System model in dryland. Life cycle model and ecosystem service flow model are applied in recent studies. Fourth, water-food-ecosystem are still in the stage of exploring applicable ways of spatial planning, resource use control and resource use efficiency enhancement for local drylands. In the future research, it is necessary to promote the following three aspects, including the effects and responses of ecohydrological processes on agricultural production, the ecosystem services tradeoffs and their impact on human well-being, and the territorial development and protection under the optimization of water ecological security pattern, so as to build a bridge from science to decision-making in the research of water-foodecosystem nexus.
作者 刘焱序 傅伯杰 王帅 李琰 赵文武 李长嘉 LIU Yanxu;FU Bojie;WANG Shuai;LI Yan;ZHAO Wenwu;LI Changjia(State Key Laboratory of Earth Surface Processes and Resource Ecology,Faculty of Geographical Science,Beijing Normal University,Beijing 100875,China;State Key Laboratory of Urban and Regional Ecology,Research Center for Eco-Environmental Sciences,CAS,Beijing 100085,China)
出处 《地理研究》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2021年第2期541-555,共15页 Geographical Research
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(41991235,42041007) “一带一路”国际科学组织联盟战略咨询项目(ANSOSBA-2020-01) 中央高校基本科研业务费专项。
关键词 人地耦合系统 水循环 粮食安全 生态系统服务 旱区 Coupled Human-Earth System water cycle food security ecosystem service dryland
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