(New Design University,NDU)是奥地利的一所私立大学,办学主体为下奥地利州商会。对于这所以设计类专业为主导的大学来说,其在研究与应用上的定位同等重要。为了促进应用型和研究式教学的发展,未来实验室的理念被确定为NDU教学理念的组成部分。未来实验室与校外的合作伙伴一起开展具有研究性和应用性的项目,通过实例展示了如何实施未来实验室的理念,以及对教学方法产生的影响。
New Design University(NDU)is a private driven university in Austria,owned by the Lower Austrian Chamber of Commerce.For a design-oriented university,the orientation towards research is just as important as it is for application.To promote application orientation and research teaching,the concept of the Future Lab is created as part of the didactic concept of NDU,which handles research and application-related projects with partners from outside the university.By examples it shows how the concept of the Future Lab is implemented and which didactic implications are connected with this format.
Application-Oriented Higher Education Research