

Evapotranspiration estimation using three-temperature model and influencing factors of Nanning City,China
摘要 蒸散发是水文能量循环和气候系统的关键要素。研究蒸散发的时空变化特征及其响应气候、土地利用的变化规律,对理解城市流域水循环和生态过程效应具有重要意义。本研究基于三温模型和MODIS影像,估算并分析2001—2018年南宁市的蒸散量时空演变特征,并探讨了主要气候要素、土地利用类型对蒸散量的影响规律和驱动模式。结果表明:2001—2018年,南宁市年均蒸散量在495.7~781.1 mm,年际相对变化率为-22.5%~23.1%,整体呈上升趋势;区域蒸散量呈南北高、中间低的分布格局,市区蒸散量显著低于郊区。南宁市蒸散量与气候因子呈显著的复相关性,气温对蒸散量的影响大于降水,在郊区呈气温驱动型,而市区则存在多种驱动类型复合现象。南宁市各土地利用类型的平均蒸散量大小依次为:林地(823.4 mm)>草地(675.6 mm)>耕地(582.9 mm)>建设用地(346.6 mm)。土地利用类型的转变是导致区域蒸散量发生显著变化的主要下垫面因素。 Evapotranspiration is the key element of hydrological energy cycle and climate system.It is of great significance to estimate the spatiotemporal variation of evapotranspiration and its response to climate and land use changes for understanding the effects of water cycle and ecological processes in urban basins.Based on the three-temperature model and MODIS Image,we estimated and analyzed the spatiotemporal variation of evapotranspiration in Nanning City from 2001 to 2018,and examined the influence and driving mode of main climate factors and land use types on evapotranspiration.The results showed that the annual average evapotranspiration of Nanning City ranged from 495.7 to 781.1 mm during 2001-2018,with the inter annual relative variability ranging from-22.5%to 23.1%,showing an overall upward trend.The regional evapotranspiration showed a distribution pattern of high north-south and low middle,with the urban evapotranspiration being significantly lower than suburban area.The evapotranspiration had a significant multiple correlation with climate factors.The influence of temperature on the evapotranspiration was stronger than precipita-tion.Evapotranspiration was temperature driven in suburbs,but was driven by multiple factors in urban area.The average evapotranspiration of different land use types in Nanning was forests(823.4 mm)>grasslands(675.6 mm)>croplands(582.9 mm)>urban area(346.6 mm).The change of land use type was the main underlying surface factor leading to the significant change of regional evapotranspiration.
作者 韦钧培 杨云川 谢鑫昌 廖丽萍 田忆 周津羽 WEI Jun-pei;YANG Yun-chuan;XIE Xin-chang;LIAO Li-ping;TIAN Yi;ZHOU Jin-yu(College of Civil Engineering and Architecture,Guangxi University,Nanning 530004,China;Ministry of Education Key Laboratory of Engineering Disaster Prevention and Structural Safety,Guangxi University,Nanning 530004,China;Key Laboratory of Disaster Prevention and Reduction and Engineering Safety of Guangxi,Nanning 530004,China)
出处 《应用生态学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2021年第1期289-298,共10页 Chinese Journal of Applied Ecology
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(41901132,51609041) 广西自然科学基金项目(2019GXNSFAA185015,2018GXNSFAA138187)资助。
关键词 蒸散发 三温模型 气候因子 土地利用 南宁市 evapotranspiration three-temperature model climate factor land use Nanning City
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