
批判与建构:列宁在意识形态领域的斗争策略 被引量:2

Criticism and Construction: Vladimir Lenin’s Struggle Strategy in the Field of Ideology
摘要 列宁坚持马克思恩格斯处理意识形态问题的基本原则和方法,将马克思主义同历史时代、俄国具体实际的发展相结合,对资产阶级意识形态的理论挑战和受伯恩施坦主义影响的俄国内部错误思潮进行了坚决地批驳和澄清。他批判了资产阶级哲学意识形态的荒谬性、政治意识形态的虚假性、宗教意识形态的欺骗性,同时对无产阶级内部机会主义和修正主义进行了清算,加强了党对意识形态的领导与实践,探讨了无产阶级政党加强自身意识形态建构的策略,建构了社会主义的意识形态,从理论和实践上将马克思恩格斯意识形态思想发展提升到了一个新的高度。列宁意识形态批判与建构思想启示我们:一是要想建设好、发挥好社会主义意识形态的凝聚力和引领力,必须高度重视意识形态工作,重视党的领导。二是要与错误思潮作坚决的斗争。三是要在把握时代、创新方法中不断丰富和发展社会主义意识形态。 Vladimir Lenin adhered to the basic principle and methods of Marx and Engels in dealing with ideological problems. He combined Marxism with the development of the historical times and the concrete reality of Russia, and resolutely refuted and clarified the theoretical challenges of bourgeois ideology and the erroneous ideological trends in Russia influenced by Bernstein’s doctrine. He criticized the absurdity of bourgeois philosophical ideology, the falsity of political ideology, and the deception of religious ideology. At the same time, he cleared up the opportunism and revisionism within the proletariat, strengthened the party’s leadership and practice on ideology, and discussed the strategy of proletarian party to strengthen its own ideological construction. He constructed socialist ideology and promoted the development of the ideological development of Marx and Engels to a new height in theory and practice. Vladimir Lenin’s ideology criticism and construction thought enlightens us: first, if we want to build and give full play to the cohesive force and leading force of socialist ideology, we must attach great importance to ideological work and party leadership. Second, we should fight against the wrong ideological trend. Third, we should constantly enrich and develop socialist ideology in grasping the times and innovating methods.
作者 贾淑品 孙自胜 JIA Shupin;SUN Zisheng(School of Marxism,Shanghai Normal University,shanghai 201418;School of Marxism,Huainan Normal University,Huainan,Anhui 232038)
出处 《长白学刊》 北大核心 2021年第1期31-38,F0002,共9页 Changbai Journal
基金 江苏省教育厅重点项目“晚年恩格斯与第二国际理论家政治观的比较研究及当代价值”(2017ZDIX M172)。
关键词 列宁 意识形态 批判与建构 Vladimir Lenin Ideology Criticism and Construction
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