

The States Parties Reporting System of the International Labour Organization
摘要 国际劳工组织缔约国报告制度已建立一百多年,经过不断发展完善,从缔约国报告制度扩展为成员国报告制度,开创了普遍审查、直接接触等工作方法和程序,并采取有效措施减轻缔约国报告负担,提高制度效率,形成了较为成熟的运行机制,其中专家委员会和大会委员会成为国际劳工组织缔约国报告制度的两大支柱机构。专家委员会与大会委员会审查相结合,使缔约国更加重视审查意见并采取措施予以积极答复。国际劳工组织缔约国报告制度的经验主要包括:发挥专家委员会的专业性、独立性和大会委员会的三方性优势,采用直接接触程序和提供技术援助,注重与其他国际组织开展合作。国际劳工组织缔约国报告制度也存在一些不足且这些不足具有深刻的根源,建议国际劳工组织多措并举,进一步增强缔约国的履约意愿和履约能力,增强审查意见对缔约国的影响力,尝试制定多样化的报告指南,加强与其他报告制度间的协调。 Since it was established 100 years ago,the States Parties Reporting System of the International Labour Organization(ILO)has been developed continuously:reporting subjects have been extended from States parties to all members,several working methods and procedures such as general surveys and direct contacts have been created,effective measures have been taken to lighten the members’reporting burden and to improve the efficiency of the reporting system,and the Conference Committee on the Application of Standards(CAS)and the Committee of Experts on the Application of Conventions(CEACR)have become the two pillars of the reporting system,thus a relatively mature operation mechanism has been formed.The States parties’reports have been examined dually by CEACR and CAS,which makes the States parties to take the observations more seriously and take measures to replies more positively.The experience of the ILO States Parties Reporting System mainly includes:giving play to the professionalism and independence of CEACR and the tripartite nature of CAS,taking direct contact procedures and providing technical assistance,and cooperating with other international organizations.However,there are still some deficiencies with deep roots.It is recommended that the ILO should take multiple measures to further strengthen the willingness and capacity of members to implement the conventions,to enhance the influence of observations on members,to develop diversified reporting guidelines,and to strengthen its coordination with other reporting systems.
作者 郭曰君 沈慧琳 Guo Yuejun;Shen Huilin
出处 《人权研究》 2021年第1期90-114,共25页 Chinese Journal of Human Rights
基金 2018年国家社会科学基金重大项目“‘人类命运共同体’国际法创新研究”(18ZDA153)阶段性成果。
关键词 国际劳工组织 缔约国报告制度 专家委员会 大会委员会 履约意 愿和能力 ILO States Parties Reporting System CEACR CAS willingness and capacity to implement the conventions
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