
武汉学生视力健康管理模式在学校公共卫生体系建设中的借鉴作用 被引量:6

The Wuhan model of visual health management for students: a referential framework for the public-school health system
摘要 武汉市落实健康中国行动精神,充分发挥学生近视防控工作在学生健康促进中的作用,以教育为主线、以学校为阵地,通过整合教育资源,建立由教育行政管理部门、学校、家庭和公益性专业技术服务机构组成的多层次学校学生近视综合防控体系与服务网络,融合多学科,针对全体学生构建全过程的视力健康管理服务体系,并运用互联网+云智能监测,建立智慧化学校学生视力健康管理平台,全面高效实施学校学生视力健康教育、监测、监控、监管工作的近视防控新路径,以学生近视防控工作作为突破口,全面促进学生体质健康。武汉市2019与2018年标准近视率对比,不同学习阶段标准化近视率小学、初中、高中分别下降了3.31,2.50,2.26百分点,小学阶段近视率明显低于全国水平。疫情后调查显示,武汉市中小学生家庭视觉环境及视觉行为的达标率和知晓率达到80%以上,新生近视或视力下降人群为30%,低于国家平均水平。"武汉模式"对于完善当前的学校学生、公共卫生工作不足具有重要借鉴意义。 According to the Healthy China Action Plan, Wuhan gives full play to the role of preventing and controlling student myopia by promoting student health. The primary focus is placed on education in schools, and Wuhan has integrated educational resources to develop a multi-level myopia prevention and control system and service network for school students. The network contains educational adminstrative, schools, families, and professional technical service organizations. By integrating multiple disciplines, Wuhan has built a comprehensive vision health management service system for all students. The Internet and cloud intelligent monitoring facilitated the establishment of a smart vision health management platform for students, which thoroughly and efficiently implemented myopia prevention and control to safeguard students’ visual health by engaging in education, monitoring, and supervision. The prevention and control of student myopia is a breakthrough for comprehensive healthy development of students. A comparison of the standard myopia rate in Wuhan in 2019 and 2018 revealed that the standard myopia rate at different learning stages of primary school, junior high school, and high school dropped by 3.31, 2.50, and 2.26 percentage points, respectively, and the rate of myopia in primary school was significantly lower than the national level. Post-epidemic surveys showed that the compliance rate and the awareness rate of the visual environment and visual behaviors of primary and secondary school students in Wuhan reached more than 80%, and prevalence of newly onset myopia or decreased vision was 30%, which was lower than the national average. The "Wuhan Model" provides an important referential framework for public health services for school students.
作者 李小伟 鲁锦泉 王浩 孙仁彪 徐婷 屈芳芳 汤佳 张明昌 杨莉华 余毅震 LI Xiaowei;LU Jinquan;WANG Hao;SUN Renbiao;XU Ting;QU Fangfang;TANG Jia;ZHANG Mingchang;YANG Lihua;YU Yizhen(News Center,China Education Daily,Beijing(100088),China;不详)
出处 《中国学校卫生》 CAS 北大核心 2021年第1期142-145,共4页 Chinese Journal of School Health
关键词 视力 组织和管理 公共卫生 学生保健服务 Vision low Organization and administration Public health Student health services
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