
《 社会主义从空想到科学的发展 》内在逻辑解读

An Interpretation to the Internal Logic in Socialism from Utopia to Scientific Development
摘要 本文围绕三个维度对《社会主义从空想到科学的发展》的内在逻辑进行解读:社会主义为什么要从空想发展为科学?——远离社会现实的空想社会主义要向关照现实的科学社会主义发展;以建立理性国家、社会为目标并希望立即解放全人类、建立永恒正义王国的空想社会主义要向以建立社会主义、共产主义为目标的科学社会主义发展;依赖个别天才人物变革社会历史的空想社会主义要向坚持人民群众是历史主人的科学社会主义发展。社会主义如何从空想发展为科学?——辩证法奠定方法论基础使社会主义从空想发展为科学;唯物史观奠定革命的历史观基础使社会主义从空想发展为科学;剩余价值学说激发无产阶级阶级意识生成、奠定革命的阶级基础使社会主义从空想发展为科学。社会主义怎样从科学发展为现实?——资本主义经济内部矛盾导致社会主义从科学转变为现实;科学社会主义武装无产阶级使社会主义从科学变为现实;无产阶级革命引领社会主义从科学发展为现实。 The thesis interprets the internal logic of the Socialism from Utopia to Scientific Development in three angles:Why does the socialism develop from utopia to science?——The utopia socialism which is far from the social reality need develop towards the scientific socialism which takes care of the social reality;the utopia socialism which aims at constructing rational country and society,at the same time expects to liberate the humankind at once and construct eternal justice kingdom need develop towards the scientific socialism which aims at realizing the socialism and communism;the utopia socialism which relies on individual geniuses to change the social history need develop towards the scientific socialism which believe people is the master of history.How does the socialism develop from utopia to science?——The dialectic establishes the methodology foundation to make the utopia socialism develop to scientific socialism;materialist conception of history establishes the foundation of the revolutionary conception of history to make the utopia socialism develop to the scientific socialism;surplus value theory which stimulates the generating of the class consciousness of the proletariat establishes the class foundation of the revolution to make the utopia socialism develop to the scientific socialism.How does the socialism develop from science to reality?——the fact that the economic and social contradictions of the Capitalist society lead to the result that the socialism develop from the science to the reality;the fact that the scientific socialism arms the mass leads to the result that the socialism develop from the science to the reality;the revolution of proletariat leads to the result that the socialism develop from the science to the reality.
作者 白利军 BAI Lijun(School of Marxism,Xi’an International Studies University,Xi’an 710128,Shaanxi,China)
出处 《安康学院学报》 2021年第1期107-110,116,共5页 Journal of Ankang University
关键词 社会主义 空想 科学 socialism utopia science
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