

Follicular mucinosis:two cases report and literature review
摘要 报道2例毛囊黏蛋白病并进行文献复习。患者1,男,44岁,颈项部局限性浸润性红斑伴疼痛2个月,组织病理示:真皮毛囊水肿,毛囊内外淋巴组织细胞浸润,个别嗜酸粒细胞。阿新蓝染色:毛囊黏蛋白阳性。患者2,男,32岁,左面部浸润性暗红斑45天,组织病理示:表皮大致正常,毛囊上皮水肿,淡蓝色黏液样物质沉积,毛囊内及毛囊周围较多嗜酸粒细胞、少许淋巴细胞浸润,阿新蓝染色:毛囊内黏蛋白沉积。 Two cases of follicular mucinosis were reported and the literature was reviewed.The first patient was a 44-year-old male who presented with a two-month history of localized infiltrative erythema on the neck.Histopathological examination showed that the epithelium of the follicle was edematous,and accumulation of mucin located adjacent to the follicle.Lymphocytes and some eosinophils were infiltrated.Alcian blue staining showed mucin deposited in follicles.The second patient was a 32-year-old man presented with a forty-five-day history of infiltrated dark erythema on the left face.Histopathological examination showed that the epidermis was generally normal,the epithelium of the follicle was edematous,and accumulation of mucin located adjacent to the follicle.Eosinophils and some lymphocytes were infiltrated.Alcian blue staining showed mucin deposited in follicles.
作者 孙菲菲 刘永霞 王广进 SUN Feifei;LIU Yongxia;WANG Guangjin(Shandong Provincial Hospital for Skin Diseases&Shandong Provincial Institute of Dermatology and Venereology,Shandong First Medical University,Jinan 250022,China)
出处 《中国麻风皮肤病杂志》 2021年第3期160-162,共3页 China Journal of Leprosy and Skin Diseases
关键词 浸润性红斑 毛囊黏蛋白病 infiltrative erythema follicular mucinosis
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