

Confucian Morality Integrated into the“Moral Movement”in Meiji Era of Japan
摘要 从明治时代开始,日本面对西方文化对日本文化的冲击,经过反思,更加重视对全体国民的道德教育,并且掀起了明治时期的道德运动,明治时代后期以降,日本国民的道德素质明显提升,道德水平飞速提高,特别是日本的公德水平发生了翻天覆地的变化。明治时期的道德运动中,儒学道德由明治时代开始时的被冷落、被排斥,到儒学道德的复活;又从儒学道德的复活到儒学道德的被改造利用,直至明治政府颁布“儒学道德”为主要内容的教育方针及国民道德方针,儒学道德达到了至上的地位,明治道德运动中儒学道德与西方道德较量的过程中,获得了优势。明治时代后期日本军国主义者对儒学道德思想歪曲恶用,二战后日本对儒学道德的利用又恢复到常态。在日本明治时代的道德运动中,无论是排斥、否定儒学道德,或者崇尚儒学道德,或者恶用儒学道德,都无法将日本的道德思想与儒学道德剥离,儒学道德一直与明治时期的道德运动密切关联。在明治初期日本欧化的热潮中,即使一些学者极力排斥儒学,但是在实际中还是借用儒学的概念反对儒学,也借用儒学道德词汇介绍西方道德,因为儒学在日本的传播运用已经有上千年的历史,儒学道德已经根植于日本文化中,融合于日本人思想深层的道德观念中,几千年儒学道德对日本道德教育的影响,也已经根植于日本人的道德品质之中。 From the Meiji era,facing the impact of Western culture on Japanese culture,Japan,after reflection,paid more attention to the moral education of its people,and set off the moral movement during the Meiji period.Since the late Meiji era,the moral quality of Japanese people has improved significantly,and the moral level,especially the public morality has undergone earth-shaking changes.In the moral movement during the Meiji period,Confucian morality was left out and excluded at first,and then revived.From the revival of Confucian morality to the transformation and utilization of Confucian morality,until when the Meiji government promulgated the educational policy and national moral policy with“Confucian morality”as the main content,Confucian morality reached its supreme position in Japan.In the process of competition with Western morality,Confucianism has gained advantages.In the late Meiji era,the Japanese militarists distorted and misused the Confucian moral thought,and after World War II,Japan's utilization of Confucian morality returned to normal.In the moral movement of Meiji era in Japan,whether it was rejecting or denying,advocating or abusing Confucian morality,it is impossible to separate Japanese moral thoughts from Confucian morality.Confucian morality has always been closely related to the moral movement in Meiji period.In the upsurge of Europeanization in Japan in the early Meiji period,even though some scholars strongly rejected Confucianism,they still borrowed the concept of Confucianism to oppose Confucianism and introduced Western morality by using Confucian moral vocabulary.Because Confucianism has been used in Japan for thousands of years,Confucian morality has been rooted in Japanese culture and integrated into the deep moral concept of Japanese thought for thousands of years,the influence of Confucian morality on Japanese moral education has been rooted in Japanese moral quality.
作者 史少博 SHI Shaobo(School of Humanities,Xidian University,Xi'an 710126,Shaanxi,China)
出处 《学术探索》 CSSCI 2021年第2期95-100,共6页 Academic Exploration
基金 国家社科基金西部项目(19ZXZ007)。
关键词 日本 明治时期 道德运动 儒家思想 Japan the Meiji period moral movement Confucianism
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