
构建新时代社会主义现代化国家的空间布局战略体系——基于城市化发展的考察 被引量:7

Constructing the Spatial Layout Strategy System of the ModernSocialist Country in the New Era:Based on the Investigation of Urbanization Development
摘要 当代中国的改革开放进程,经历了一个从平面化到立体化的空间演化过程,并进入到了以中心城市和都市圈为引领的城市群中国时代,构建了大都市圈发展格局、跨域经济带发展格局、跨域城市群发展格局、区域发展格局与跨国经济文化带发展格局相互联通、贯通与叠加,融“都带群区路”等发展战略于一体的新时代社会主义现代化国家的空间布局格局。从中国的改革开放空间布局战略到新时代社会主义现代化国家的空间布局战略体系的演进,折射的是当代中国城市化自身发展的演进逻辑与新型城市化发展道路开辟的发展逻辑的“双重逻辑”建构,以及由此开创的人类社会以大都市圈为导向的城市化发展模式的理论叙事重构的新篇章。大都市圈以遵循经济发展规律、探索新型大都市治理范式、引领城乡融合发展、实施新型“都带群区路”融合发展战略体系的多重目标而成为介于中心城市与城市群之间的最佳实践场景和发展形态,并在实践中形成了“抓两头促中间”的区域协同治理体制机制创新路径,即在宏观层面上注重“顶层设计、规划引领、制度对接”,在微观层面上重视“基础设施、互联互通、标准一体”,在中观层面上推动区域“产业链集群发展、多元主体协同治理、经济社会文化一体化发展”,为全面提升新时代中国以大都市圈为核心的城市化发展绩效,最终走出一条由人民本位观引领的带有普遍意义的新型城市发展道路奠定理论与实践基础。 China’s reform and opening-up has witnessed a spatial evolution from a two-dimensional model to a three-dimensional model which gave rise to a new era featuring city clusters led by central cities and metropolitan regions.The spatial layout of China as a modern socialist country,including development patterns of metropolitan regions,cross regional economic belts,cross regional city clusters,different regions,transnational belts of economy and culture which are linked together,embodying development strategies such as“metropolis-belt-cluster-region-road”,is established.The evolution of spatial layout strategy,spanning a long time from China’s reform and opening-up to a new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics,reflects the structuring of dual logic,i.e.,the logic of development of modern China’s urbanization and that of exploring a new way of urbanization.A new chapter in the development of urbanization model which is metropolis-oriented is being unfolded.Due to its multiple objectives—following economic laws,exploring new patterns for metropolitan governance,fostering the integrated development of urban and rural areas,implementing the new strategic system of coordinated development of“metropolis-belt-cluster-region-road”,metropolitan regions become the best practice field and form falling between central cities and city clusters,contributing to a revolutionary path in practice for coordinated governance of different regions characterized by“grasp the two ends and promote the middle”.To be specific,top-level design,planning and guiding,coordinating institutions must be emphasized macroscopically,infrastructure construction,maintenance of connectivity and unification of standards should be paid attention to microscopically.Moreover,in the middle level,regional agglomerative development of industrial chain,collaborative governance by multiple subjects,integration of economy,culture and society should also be promoted forcefully.All those efforts will pave way to,theoretically and practically,improve the development of China’s urbanization in new era focusing on metropolitan regions,serve to explore a generally accepted new way for city development instructed by people-oriented view.
作者 唐亚林 TANG Yalin(School of International Relations and Public Af fairs,Fudan University,Shanghai 200433,China)
出处 《同济大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2021年第1期45-54,共10页 Journal of Tongji University:Social Science Edition
关键词 改革开放空间布局 城市化发展 大都市圈 区域协同治理 新时代 spatial layout in the era of China’s reform and opening-up urbanization metropolitan regions regionally coordinated governance new era
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