

“Remaining in the Middle”and“Returning to the Now”:Liang Shuming’s Thought of Time
摘要 梁漱溟自觉理解和吸纳西方的时间理论,同时回归和发掘东方的时间智慧,融会贯通,展开了富有创见和启发的“时间”之思。从佛学立场出发,梁氏将“时间”限定于世间之现象,并强调世间以出世间为归宗,人类终将超越时间。就随顺世间而言,生活是以“意欲”为基而展开的“事的相续”,此即“时间”之本质。意欲活动的不同方向,造就了生活的多种可能和时间经验的丰富性。结合唯识学,他剖析了个体生命的时间性以及建构时间现象的过程和方法。在世间,梁氏推崇“意欲持中”的中国文化,主张“重当下”以实现个体与民族生命的恢弘与绵延。他以“时宜”估定文化价值,并宣称中国文化之“时”已到来,努力为其复兴开辟未来。梁漱溟之“重当下”实即倡导一种以家庭亲情为重、以日常生活为要的时间观,这对现代人安顿身心有重要意义,至今仍有强劲的生命力。 Liang Shuming voraciously takes in and contemplates various Western theories and explores Eastern wisdom’s insight concerning the notion of time.Through intensive study,Liang brings about an original and enlightening understanding of time.His thinking,which arises from a Buddhist foundation,limits time to the world of phenomena,and emphasizes human coming in the mundane as a sort of returning to one’s roots,leading to be able to transcend time in the supramundane.He considers that“the will”is the essence of time:different intents activate,brings about many kinds of possibilities and a rich experience of time.By combining with the Yogacara School,he analyzes life’s timeliness and creates a process and method of time as phenomena.In the mundane,Liang promotes an understanding of Chinese culture,that is“remaining in the middle”.He also advocates that“returning to the now”brings about the expansiveness and continuity of the individual,as well as the nation.Liang estimates cultural value by considering“the right time”,and proclaims“the right time”for Chinese culture has already arrived,and tries to open up a future for its revival.Liang Shuming’s idea of“returning to the now”promotes a conception of time that putting familial affection and daily life above everything else.This view is of great significance for modern people to settle their body and mind,and it still has strong vitality.
作者 方用 FANG Yong(School of Humanities, Tongji University, Shanghai 200092, China)
出处 《同济大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2021年第1期94-103,共10页 Journal of Tongji University:Social Science Edition
基金 国家社会科学基金一般项目“中国现代哲学中的‘时间’观念研究”(15BZX058)。
关键词 意欲 时间 当下 时宜 will time now the right time
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