
外鼻血供的解剖学研究进展 被引量:3

Anatomic Progress of External Nasal Blood Supply
摘要 鼻是面部重要的功能器官与美学单位,外鼻的血液供应在临床上与外科皮瓣设计、鼻整形手术和面部填充注射等紧密相关。本文对外鼻血供研究方法的演变,血管的起源、行程和分支,颈内外血管的交通,区域血供,临床应用和解剖变异等进行综述。 The nose serves as a functional and aesthetic unit in the midface.The knowledge of blood supply to the external nose provides significant instructions for surgical flap planning,open rhinoplasty and filler injections.In this paper,the evolution of external nasal blood supply,the origin,stroke and branching of blood vessels,the traffic of internal and external vessels of the neck,regional blood supply,clinical application and anatomic variation were reviewed.
作者 姜乐恒 尹宁北 JIANG Leheng;YIN Ningbei(Plastic Surgery Hospital,Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences&Peking Union Medical College,Beijing 100144,China)
出处 《组织工程与重建外科》 2021年第1期79-82,共4页 Journal of Tissue Engineering and Reconstructive Surgery
关键词 外鼻血供 外科皮瓣 鼻整形 填充注射 External nasal blood supply Surgical flaps Rhinoplasty Filler injection
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