莎士比亚在其不朽名作《哈姆雷特》中运用了大量双关修辞,展现出惊人的语言魅力。应用Delabastita的双关语分类法,对剧本中的双关进行分类,并以梁实秋、朱生豪和卞之琳翻译的《哈姆雷特》为语料,将三位译者的双关语翻译策略与Delabastita提出的十种翻译模式进行匹配,分析Delabastita的双关语翻译模式在《哈姆雷特》汉译中的应用,进而探究将该译论应用于英语双关语汉译的可行性。研究表明,Delabastita提出的Pun>Non-Pun、Pun>Pun、Editorial Techniques、Pun>Zero和Pun>Punoid双关语模式可应用于《哈姆雷特》汉译,其它模式不具备可移植性。此外,研究发现运用Pun>Punoid模式可巧妙还原双关语的韵味,值得文学翻译者进一步借鉴和发展。
Shakespeare applied a lot of puns in his masterpiece Hamlet,which,to some extent,qualified him an extraordinary master of language.Based on Delabastita's pun translation theory,this paper classifies the puns in Hamlet,and selects three Chinese versions of Hamlet,including translated versions by Liang Shiqiu,Zhu Shenghao and Bian Zhilin to compare the three translator's pun translation strategies.In addition,three translator's strategies on pun are matched with Delabastita's ten translation models of pun,to explore the feasibility of Delabastita's translation theory in translating English pun.This research shows that strategies of Pun>Non-Pun,Pun>Pun,Editorial Techniques,Pun>Zero and Pun>Pun raised by Delabastita can be applied to English-Chinese translation of Hamlet,while other strategies are not transplantable.In addition,the study finds that Pun>Punoid strategy can be used as an effective approach to represent the charm produced by pun,thus it deserves more attention from literary translators.
YE Lu;YUAN Bin-ye(College of Foreign Language,Guangxi Normal University,Guilin,Guangxi,541000)
Journal of Guizhou Education University