At the beginning of the 21st century,American and Japanese experts discussed the possibility of opening bilateral FTA negotiations.As the outcome of the first phase of trade negotiations,the U.S.-Japan Trade Agreement and U.S.-Japan Digital Trade Agreement entered into force on January 1,2020.The launch of the negotiations in the new century appears to be the result of U.S.increasing automobile tariffs in order to reduce the huge trade deficit with Japan.In fact,the launch and progress of the U.S.-Japan Trade Agreement negotiations are the outcome of the comprehensive interaction between the economic interests,bilateral relations,geopolitics and power games between the two countries.The U.S.-Japan Trade Agreement negotiations have increased the possibility for the Washington to return to the TPP in order to balance China,create conditions for the United States and Japan to work together to establish digital trade rules that may squeeze China’s development space,and set up a template for asymmetric power negotiations.The impact of the U.S.-Japan trade negotiations on China is not obvious in the short term,but will be felt in the medium and long term.In particular,under the new political and economic circumstances,such as the coronavirus pandemic and its economic and social fallout,change of government in the United States and Japan,the completion of the China-EU investment agreement,and China’s intention to join the CPTPP,an in-depth analysis of the trade negotiations will help China prepare for an effective response.
Global Review