The Modification of Regulation Regarding Benefit and Specificity in Countervailing Duty Proceedings(hereinafter:the Modified Regulation)promulgated and enforced by the U.S.Department of Commerce(hereinafter:the DOC)does not conform with the rules and practices of the WTO Agreement on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures(hereinafter:the SCM Agreement).The inconformity goes as follows:first,the Modified Regulation lacks rules on the proper subsidy provider stipulated in the SCM Agreement.Secondly,deeming currency undervaluation as a kind of subsidy is not in conformity with the rules and practices of the financial contribution and benefit conferred in the SCM Agreement.Thirdly,regarding enterprises that buy or sell goods internationally as a group of enterprises in the specificity test is not inconformity with the rules and practices of the SCM Agreement.Furthermore,determining currency undervaluation as subsidy by the DOC lacks authorization by domestic laws in the US.The Modified Regulation enables the authority in the US to collect countervailing duties more conveniently and it will be a powerful weapon of protectionism.China should challenge the Modified Regulation both in the domestic court system in the US and in the WTO correcting the protectionism measures in the Modified Regulation.
LIU Lin(Law School of Hunan Normal University,Changsha Hunan,410081,China)
Presentday Law Science