
我国物流业2020年发展回顾与2021年展望 被引量:25

The Review of China’s Logistics Industry Development in 2020 and the Outlook of 2021
摘要 2020年是我国全面建成小康社会决胜之年和“十三五”规划收官之年。这一年,面对新冠肺炎疫情严重冲击与复杂国际形势严峻挑战,我国物流业统筹推进抗击疫情和现代物流体系建设工作,在为抗疫保供、复工复产做出重要贡献的同时,取得了来之不易的不俗成绩。但与此同时,物流业发展不平衡不充分不协调问题依然存在,物流业整体发展水平与应对不确定因素的能力有待提高,国际物流、应急物流、绿色物流等方面尚有短板,运行规模与质量方面“大而不强”,与人民群众日益增长的美好生活需要和经济高质量发展的要求还存在一定差距,物流大国向物流强国的转变任重道远。2021年既是“十四五”规划的开局之年,也是全面建设社会主义现代化国家新征程的起步之年。未来一段时期,我国经济长期向好的基本面不会改变,物流业平稳增长的态势不会改变,需要我们在精准把握新发展阶段特点、认真贯彻新发展理念、支撑构建“双循环”新发展格局、明确现代物流发展新方位的基础上,以构建现代物流体系、建设物流强国为目标,以推动高质量发展为主题,以供给侧结构性改革为主线,认真谋划“十四五”乃至2035年发展战略,高瞻远瞩把握行业趋势,脚踏实地做好当前工作,确保开好局,起好步。具体而言,一要保障产业链供应链自主可控、安全高效;二要做强扩大内需战略支点;三要推进物流业制造业深度融合;四要加速物流数字化转型;五要完善物流基础设施网络;六要助力更高水平对外开放;七要挖掘区域协同发展潜力;八要补齐“三农”物流短板;九要实现物流绿色可持续发展;十要不断优化营商环境。 In 2020,facing the serious impact of COVID-19 and challenges brought by the complex international situation,China’s logistics industry advances epidemic control and the construction of modern logistic system.While making contribution to epidemic control,ensuring stable supplies,and boosting the resumption of work,the logistics industry has made significant achievements.But there are still such problems as the imbalanced,insufficient,and inharmonious development with this industry;the overall development level and the capacity for coping with uncertainties should be improved;there is still weak links in terms of international logistics,emergency logistics,and green logistics;in terms of scale and quality,China’s logistics industry is large but not strong,and there is the gap comparing to the people’s ever-growing desire for a better life and the highquality economic development;and we still have a long way to go in transferring China’s logistics industry from focusing on quantity to quality.In the future period of time,we should,first,take the construction of modern logistics system and logistics industry focusing on quality as the target,the high-quality development as the theme,and the supply-side structural reform as the main task;and second,we should formulate the development strategy for the period of 14th Five-Year Plan,or even to the year of 2035,fully understand the development trend of this industry,keep our feet on the ground,and take a solid first step.Specifically speaking,first,we should guarantee the independent,controllable,safe and efficient industrial and supply chains;second,we should focus on the strategic supporting point for stimulating domestic demand;third,we should promote the deep integration between the logistics and manufacturing industry;fourth,we should accelerate the transformation of digitalized logistics;fifth,we should lay the solid foundation for the physical infrastructure network;sixth,we should help promote the higher level of opening up;seventh,we should unlock the potential of regional coordinated development;eighth,we should shore up weak links in logistics of“agriculture,rural areas and farmers”;ninth,we should focus on the green and sustainable logistic development;and tenth,we should perfect the coordinated governance of the business environment.
作者 何黎明 HE Li-ming(China Federation of Logistics and Purchasing,Beijing 100045,China)
出处 《中国流通经济》 CSSCI 北大核心 2021年第3期3-8,共6页 China Business and Market
关键词 物流业 现代物流 “双循环” 新冠肺炎疫情 数字化转型 logistics industry modern logistics dual-circulation COVID-19 epidemic digital transformation
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