
农业科学观测数据权属与保护路径研究 被引量:2

Research on Ownership and Protection Path of Observational Data in Agricultural Science
摘要 农业科学观测数据作为农业生产系统中要素变化的信息载体,是促进农业高质量发展和农业农村现代化的战略资源,在农业科技创新和政策制度创设等方面的基础支撑作用日益凸显。面对农业科学观测数据生产复杂、数据主体多元、数据存放分散等瓶颈问题,科学界定农业科学观测权属,加快构建一揽子政策与技术保障体系具有重要的理论和现实意义。文章全面梳理了农业科学观测数据治理体系现状,系统分析了数据治理面临的重大挑战,总结了数据确权与保护面临的难点,划分了农业科学观测数据权属类型,提出来了农业科学观测数据保护建议。基于数据生产者、管理者和使用者三者间的权益关系视角下,农业科学观测数据权属可划分为数据所有权、数据生产权、数据使用权、数据出版权和数据交易权。针对利益攸关方在开放共享中“不愿、不敢、不会”的痛点难点问题,优化我国农业科学观测数据保护环境,积极推动国家级数据共享平台确权与授权体系建设,引导激励农业科学观测数据出版,加快推广中国科技资源标识应用,探索构建封闭数据流通技术体系,是提高数据的利用率、优化数据资源配置的有效途径,是加快完善符合国情的农业科学观测数据知识产权保护法律法规的有效方法,是有序推进数据资源整合和开放共享进程的有效措施。 As the information carrier of the change of the elements in agricultural production system,observational data in agricultural science is an important resource and factor that leads the high-quality development of agriculture and the modernization of agriculture and rural areas,and plays an increasingly prominent role in the basic support of agricultural science&technology innovation and policy making.In the face of the bottleneck problems of agricultural scientific observation data,such as the complex process for data production,data agent diversity and scattered data storage,it is of great theoretical and practical significance to scientifically define the ownership of agricultural scientific observation and accelerate the construction of policy and technical support system.This research describes the research status and existing problems for database management system of observational data in agricultural science,summarizes the difficulties of data right confirmation and protection,classifies the ownership types of agricultural scientific observation data,and proposes the suggestions on the protection of agricultural scientific observation data.From the perspective of the relation of rights and interest among data producers,managers and users,the ownership of agricultural scientific observation data can be divided into the right of proprietorship,production,utilization,publishing and transaction.In response to the pain points and difficulties of stakeholders’“unwillingness,fear and inability”in the process of open sharing,it is of great importance to optimize the environment of observation data in agricultural science,to actively establish a system of confirming and authorizing for national data sharing platforms,to guide and encourage the publication of observation data in agricultural science,to accelerate the application of labeling of China’s scientific and technological resources,and to explore the construction of a closed data circulation technology system.The above actions are not only efficient ways to improve the data utilization and optimize the allocation of data resources,and to accelerate the improvement of laws and regulations on intellectual property rights protection for agricultural scientific observation data,but also effective measures to promote the integration and open sharing of data resources in an orderly manner.
作者 庄严 杨帅 刘照坤 樊景超 周舒雅 Zhuang Yan;Yang Shuai;Liu Zhaokun;Fan Jingchao;Zhou Shuya(Department of Science and Technology Management,Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Beijing 100081,China;Suzhou Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Suzhou 215155,China;Agricultural Information Institute,Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences Beijing 100081,China;National Agriculture Science Data Center,Beijing 100081,China;Key Laboratory of Big Agri-Data,Ministry of Agriculture,Beijing 100081,China)
出处 《农业大数据学报》 2020年第4期107-112,共6页 Journal of Agricultural Big Data
基金 农业科学观测网络化发展模式研究(Y2021ZK27)。
关键词 农业科学观测数据 数据权属 数据保护 科学数据管理 观测数据 数据治理 observational data in agricultural science data ownership data protectiona scientific data management observation data data governance
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