Science is a complex dynamic and open system which enhances the technical barriers to organize the massive a nd multi-source data for revealing the operation mechanism of the science system.Extending the definitionof the science system in the sociology of science this study emphasizes the role of scientific kno wledge.The science system is regarded as a scientific societywhere the scientific community works as themain participants and the diffusion of existing knowledge is the driving force to facilitate scientific creationan d production.Based on the idea the concept of"social computing of science"is proposed to generalizethe research on the theories and methods that focus on the complex changeable phenomena and issue s in the scientific society.Toassist the social computing of science the general framework of data organization and modeling is generated.First we propose a ternary link model to profile the operating process of the scientific society.The model consists of four types of entities i.e.the participants the locations the activities and the knowledg ethat connected the other three components.Through the connection among the entities the operationmode and potential laws of the scientific society can be more comprehensively reflected and can ass ist in modeling the scientific society from multiple perspectives.Then based on the ternary link model weanalyze the path of data o rganization by summarizing the related data and attributes of th e four entities.The extraction of the entitie’s attributes is regarded as a classification task based on whichthe data fusion method of theentities is developed.Finally from the perspective of the multi-layer network we explore the relations hip among different types of entities and propose the relationship integration model for the scientific society.Taking the cases on the interpersonal networks analysis and the cross-community knowledge diffusi onas examples the paper illustrates the process and advantages of social computing of science that is based on the fusion of multi-source data.Theoriginality of this study mainly consists of 1 A ternary link model is proposed to conceptualize the comp onents and their relationships in the scientific society which emphasizes the influence of knowledge on otherel ements.2 The two research scenarios visualize the concept of s ocial computing of science and provideideas for the specific appli cation of the proposed data organizationand modeling method.3 This study can build a bridge betweenthe underlying data an d computing technology and provide directional guida ncefor using multi-source data to comprehensivelyanalyze the composition of scientific society.4 figs.1 tab.40 refs.
MA Yaxue;MAO Jin;LI Gang(不详)
Journal of Library Science in China
Scientific society
Social computing of science
Data organization
Data modeling
Data fusion