
澳大利亚国际教育产业扩张:缘起、困境与反思 被引量:5

Australia’s International Education Industry Expansion:Origin,Dilemma and Reflection
摘要 澳大利亚是高等教育产业化发展的典型,国际教育产业为其带来了巨额的经济收益。在产业化进程中,澳大利亚高校对于国际学生的依赖程度不断增加。自道金斯改革以来,澳大利亚高等教育系统被分化为一个高度管制的国内学生市场和自由放任的国际学生市场,在公共经费匮乏和大学排名的压力下,扩张国际教育产业成为大学经济理性下的必然选择。然而对教育经济价值的强调和市场效率的过分倚重,引发了舆论对教育公平、教学质量、教育目的多方面的质疑,也导致一场高等教育公共性的危机。 Australia’s international education industry has brought huge economic benefits and established a model of the industrialization of higher education.In the process of industrialization,Australian universities are increasingly dependent on international students.Since the Dawkins reform,the Australian higher education system has been divided into a highly regulated domestic student market and a laissez-faire international student market.Under the pressure of lack of public funds and university rankings,expanding the international education industry has become an inevitable choice under the economic rationality.However,the emphasis on the economic value of education and the excessive reliance on market efficiency have caused public opinion to question the fairness of education,academic quality,and the purpose of education.This results a crisis of the publicity of higher education.
作者 潘鹏飞 PAN Peng-fei(Faculty of Education,Queensland University of Technology,Queensland QLD 4059,Australia)
出处 《高等教育研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2021年第1期103-109,共7页 Journal of Higher Education
基金 教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地重大项目(17JJD880005)。
关键词 国际教育 澳大利亚 教育产业化 international education Australia commercialization of education
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