
揿针原穴联合艾灸治疗气血双亏证胃癌致癌因性疲乏临床观察 被引量:9

Clinical Observation of Efficacy of Press Needle Combined with Moxibustion in Treatment of Gastric Cancer on Cancer-Realated Fatigue
摘要 目的观察揿针原穴联合艾灸治疗气血双亏证胃癌患者癌因性疲乏的效果。方法将60例气血双亏证胃癌癌因性疲乏患者随机分为干预组与对照组,对照组在住院治疗期间常规中药辨证施治,干预组在常规治疗的基础上,采取揿针原穴联合艾灸治疗,对比两组治疗前后Piper疲乏程度、Karnofsky评分、中医证候与症状评分、焦虑及抑郁评分。结果两组治疗后Piper疲乏程度、中医证候与症状评分、焦虑及抑郁评分均较本组治疗前下降,Karnofsky评分较本组治疗前提高;干预组治疗后Karnofsky评分高于对照组,Piper疲乏程度、中医证候与症状评分、焦虑及抑郁评分均低于对照组(P<0.05)。结论揿针原穴联合艾灸治疗气血双亏证胃癌患者癌因性疲乏疗效显著且可明显改善患者的生活质量。 Objective To observe the effect of pressing acupuncture at the original acupoint combined with moxibustion in the treatment of cancer-related fatigue(CRF)in patients with gastric cancer with both qi and blood deficiency.Methods Sixty patients with gastric cancer fatigue due to gastric cancer with both qi and blood deficiency were randomly divided into an intervention group and a control group.The control group was treated with traditional Chinese medicine during hospitalization,and the intervention group was treated with acupuncture on the basis of conventional treatment.Acupoints combined with moxibustion,the Piper fatigue degree,Karnofsky,TCM syndrome and symptom scores,anxiety and depression scores were compared between the two groups before and after treatment.Results After treatment,Piper fatigue,TCM syndrome and symptom scores,anxiety and depression scores were lower than those of this group before treatment,and Karnofsky scores were higher than those of this group before treatment;comparison between the two groups,the intervention group had higher Karnofsky scores after treatment In the control group,Piper’s fatigue degree,TCM syndrome and symptom score,anxiety and depression score were all lower than those of the control group(P<0.05).Conclusion Compared with traditional Chinese medicine treatment and nursing,the combination of press neddle and moxibustion can improve in patients with gastric cancer with deficiency of both qi and blood,and improve the quality of life of patients.
作者 季尹霞 孙波 施适 赵冬耕 阮纪恺 陈桂兰 JI Yin-xia;SUN Bo;SHI Shi;ZHAO Dong-geng;RUAN Ji-kai;CHEN Gui-lan(Nantong Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital,Nantong Jiangsu 226001)
机构地区 南通市中医院
出处 《世界中西医结合杂志》 2020年第12期2311-2313,2320,共4页 World Journal of Integrated Traditional and Western Medicine
基金 南通市市级科技计划项目(MSZ18068)。
关键词 胃癌 癌因性疲乏 揿针 原穴 艾灸 Gastric Cancer Cancer-Realed Fatigue Press Needle Original Points Moxibustion
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