
基于大气科学学科发展特点,解读项目分类评审改革新举措 被引量:16

Category-specific evaluation reform by the National Natural Science Foundation of China benefits the basic research of atmospheric sciences:A policy interpretation
摘要 当前新一轮科技革命蓬勃兴起,科学研究范式正在发生深刻变革,促进了各学科之间的交叉、融合.与此同时,国际形势的新变化,加剧了国家间日趋激烈的科技竞争.在这一背景下,国家自然科学基金委员会(下文简称“基金委”)认真贯彻党中央关于科技创新和基础研究的重大决策,系统部署了“明确资助导向、完善评审机制、优化学科布局”三大任务,旨在深化新时代科学基金改革,构建理念先进、制度规范、公正高效的科学基金治理体系[1]. With the boom of a new round of scientific and technological revolution,the National Natural Science Foundation of China(NSFC)has launched the Reform Initiatives in a bid to establish a leading science funding system that is guided by advanced concepts,equipped by a well-established mechanism and operated in a fair and efficient manner.To achieve these goals,the NSFC has identified the funding guidance for the new era,which can be summarized in the following four categories:Funding creative and timely ideas to achieve excellence in science,focusing on the frontiers of science in unique ways to lead the cutting edges,supporting application-driven basic research to enable breakthroughs,and encouraging transdisciplinary leading-edge research to promote convergence.In short,these four categories can be abbreviated as C1,C2,C3 and C4,respectively.The four categories correspond to the NSFC’s four functions.C1 stresses on the"incubator"function.It is researchers’inspirations and creativities that"incubate"scientific hypotheses.The NSFC highlights their free and initiative exploration that is likely to produce original results from scratch.C2 focuses on the"tractor"function.Based on the existing unsolved problems,new science questions are presented,and the answers to these questions are proposed by overcoming obstacles with unique means,including improved methodologies,technologies and theories.The NSFC aims to support the proposals with pioneering endeavours so as to facilitate cutting-edge development.C3 emphasizes the"driver"function.Science questions tend to be application-driven,problem-driven and goal-driven.Therefore,the NSFC encourages applicants to not only tackle the basic scientific issues behind the technical bottlenecks,but also to convert the research results into applicable practices.C4 underlines the"multiplier"function.Since the nature of science questions is crossdisciplinary,the NSFC is committed to promoting the synergy and convergence of knowledge systems through multidiscipline research.In 2019,the discipline of atmospheric sciences(DAS)was selected as a reform pilot by the NSFC.Facing atmospheric sciences transforming from"traditional meteorology"into"Earth system science",the DAS has provided interpretations of the above four categories of funding guidance.Regarding C1,levels of originality are regarded as the criterion for the measurement of creativity to open up new frontiers.A reference system was established by the DAS to evaluate originality on five levels,i.e.,"motherdisciplines"(the basis of science,e.g.,mathematics,physics and chemistry),geosciences,and the first level,the second level and the third level of atmospheric sciences.Regarding C2,the DAS encourages applicants to provide answers to challenging questions targeting the global science frontiers of atmospheric sciences and related areas with novel data/methods/technologies/theories.Regarding C3,the DAS is committed to solving the basic scientific problems deeply rooted in the development of the meteorological industry so as to serve the main economic battlefield,strive to fulfill the significant needs of the country and benefit people’s lives and health.Regarding C4,the DAS promotes trans-,cross-,inter-,and multi-disciplinary studies,not only to extend the knowledge chain of traditional meteorology,but also to generate new research paradigms for common fields.The above interpretation lays a solid foundation for the implementation of the category-specific review.It can be expected that such reform measures will be adopted for the funding process covering a wider scope of proposals in the recent future.
作者 刘哲 何建军 郭郁葱 Zhe Liu;Jianjun He;Yucong Guo(Department of Earth Sciences,National Natural Science Foundation of China,Beijing 100085,China)
出处 《科学通报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2021年第2期187-192,共6页 Chinese Science Bulletin
关键词 科学基金 科学研究范式 项目分类 大气科学 国家自然科学基金委员会 构建理念 学科布局 三大任务 National Natural Science Foundation of China funding guidance in the new era category-specific evaluation atmospheric sciences Earth system sciences
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