
药学综合实验双语教程的开展和多元化教学优势 被引量:1

Bilingual teaching of integrated experiments of Pharmacy and its advantages of diversified teaching
摘要 上海中医药大学以新药研发为主线,药学各学科相互融会贯通开设了药学综合实验课程,以加强药学学科整体观念和学生综合素质的培养。从课程的教学设计、教学目标、考核体系、教学评价等几方面对该课程进行整体介绍,课程打破药学专业主干课程之间的壁垒,整合中药研究开发各环节必备的理论知识和实验技能,采用双语教学、TBL教学和自主性实验设计,对学生的专业英语水平、团队合作精神、分析能力和创新素质的培养都有很大的帮助。经过8年的教学改革与实践,已形成较为成熟的教学体系。 Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine has designed and implemented bilingual teaching of integrated experiments of Pharmacy to reinforce the overall concept of pharmacy and improve the comprehensive quality of students. The course focuses on research and findings of the newly developed drugs,integrating related experimental methods,techniques and skills from multiple disciplines such as Pharmacognosy,Natural Medicinal Chemistry,Pharmaceutics,Analytical Chemistry and Pharmacology,etc. Teachers redesigned teaching goals and assessment system to adopt to this reform. After eight-year practice,a relatively mature teaching system has been established,breaking down boundaries of main courses of pharmacy,integrating the theoretical knowledge and experimental skills at different stages of research and development of TCM medicinals. The teaching also conducted bilingually and applied TBL teaching. The course is of great help to improve students,professional English level and cultivate their cooperative spirit,analytical ability and innovative quality. This paper introduces the course from teaching design,objectives and assessment so as to provide a reference for other colleges and universities.
作者 顾伟梁 崔红燕 曹姣仙 郭夫江 韩涵 浦益琼 沈旭华 宋龙 王莹 张红梅 张刘强 张彤 崔亚君 Gu Weiliang;Cui Hongyan;Cao Jiaoxian;Guo Fujiang;Han Han;Pu Yiqiong;Shen Xuhua;Song Long;Wang Ying;Zhang Hongmei;Zhang Liuqiang;Zhang Tong;Cui Yajun(Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine,Shanghai 201203)
机构地区 上海中医药大学
出处 《中医教育》 2020年第6期42-45,共4页 Education of Chinese Medicine
基金 2012年度上海中医药大学第十二期校级重点课程建设项目(No.SHUTCM2012ZDKCJS02) 2017年度上海中医药大学第十六期校级课程建设项目(No.SHUTCMKCJSYB2017002)。
关键词 药学综合实验 双语教程 TBL教学 教学改革 integrated experiments of pharmacy bilingual teaching TBL teaching teaching reform
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