

Impact of Work Design Factors on Engineering Project Team:A Research of Configuration Effect Perspective
摘要 基于系统观组态理论视角,文章旨在揭示项目团队心理授权不是依赖于工作设计某种单一要素影响,而是依赖于不同影响因素之间的交互作用。为此,以206位工程项目团队成员为研究对象,运用定性比较分析方法探究工作设计的不同条件要素组合对团队心理授权的影响路径。研究表明,存在3条典型路径对团队心理授权产生正向影响。本文研究结果为工程项目团队心理授权相关研究提供多维研究视角,拓展了定性比较分析方法在工程实践领域的应用。 Based on the system view configuration theory perspective,the article aims to reveal that the psychological empowerment of the project team does not depend on the influence of a single element of the work design,but on the interaction between different influencing factors.To this end,206 engineering project team members are taken as the research objects,and the qualitative comparative analysis method is used to explore the influence path of different combination of conditions and elements of work design on team psychological empowerment.Research shows that there are three typical paths that have a positive impact on team mental empowerment.The research results of this paper provide a multi-dimensional research perspective for the research on psychological empowerment of engineering project teams,and expand the application of qualitative comparative analysis methods in the field of engineering practice.
作者 孙春玲 张文静 李芷莹 SUN Chun-ling;ZHANG Wen-jing;LI Zhi-ying(School of Management,Tianjin University of Technology,Tianjin 300384,China)
出处 《价值工程》 2021年第2期38-41,共4页 Value Engineering
基金 2019年度教育部人文社会科学研究规划基金:“工程项目团队心理授权组态识别、动态调控研究”(19YJA630060)。
关键词 工作设计 团队心理授权 工程项目团队 定性比较分析 work design team psychological empowerment construction project team qualitative comparative analysis
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