

Research on Online Public Opinion Governance in Information Content Security Incidents
摘要 当今全球网络安全形势日趋严峻,各类信息内容安全事件由于突发性强、破坏性大、影响面广,往往最易成为网络舆情产生和爆发的聚集地,严重威胁政府和公众的基本安全.提升政府网络空间治理能力,强化政府的网络舆情责任,妥善预防和解决信息内容安全事件造成的次生危害是保障公民信息安全、维持社会正常运转的重要手段.本文基于对信息内容安全事件中网络舆情治理困境的分析,提出完善网络舆情治理模式、优化重大突发事件网络舆情应对机制、完善网络舆情治理保障体系、健全相关法律法规四项基本措施,以期为各级政府解决信息内容安全事件中的网络舆情治理提供借鉴. Nowadays, the global network security situation is becoming more and more serious. Due to the sudden, destructive and wide-ranging influence of various information content security incidents, it is easy to become the gathering place of network public opinion, which seriously threatens the basic security of the government and the public. It is necessary to enhance the government’s cyberspace governance ability, strengthen the government’s responsibility for network public opinion, and properly prevent and solve information content security incidents The secondary harm caused by the event is an important means to protect the information security of citizens and maintain the normal operation of the society. Based on the analysis of the dilemma of online public opinion governance in information content security incidents, this paper puts forward four basic measures to improve the governance mode of network public opinion, optimize the response mechanism of network public opinion in major emergencies, improve the network public opinion governance guarantee system, and improve relevant laws and regulations, so as to provide reference for governments at all levels to solve the network public opinion governance in information content security incidents.
作者 齐巍 QI Wei(Beijing Electronic Science and Technology Institute,Beijing 100070,P.R.China)
出处 《北京电子科技学院学报》 2020年第4期49-55,共7页 Journal of Beijing Electronic Science And Technology Institute
基金 中央高校基本科研业务费项目“基于网络空间安全治理环境下的政府公信力建设研究”(项目编号:328202007)资助。
关键词 信息内容安全事件 网络舆情 网络空间治理 information content security incident online public opinion cyberspace security governance
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