

A Review of the Content of U.S.Layered Cyber Deterrence Strategy
摘要 美国为应对当前面对的网络安全治理难题和网络威慑战略实施困境,其网络空间日光浴委员发布了分层网络威慑战略报告.分层网络威慑战略涵盖了塑造行为、获益拒止和施加成本三个战略威慑层次.在借鉴过往网络威慑战略相关研究成果的基础上,分层网络威慑战略整合了多种威慑机制,融合了"向前防御"的战略理念,强调要加强公私部门协作以有效应对网络威胁,丰富和深化了传统的网络威慑战略理论. In response to the current cyber security governance problems and the plight of the deterrence strategy implementation, the Cyberspace Solarium Commission issued a layered network deterrence strategy report. The layered cyber deterrence strategy covers three levels of strategic deterrence: shaping behavior, denying benefit and imposing costs. Based on the previous research results of cyber deterrence strategy, the layered cyber deterrence strategy which enriches and deepens the traditional network deterrence theory integrates multiple deterrence mechanisms, incorporates the strategic concept of forward defense, and emphasizes the need to strengthen public-private collaboration to effectively respond to cyber threats.
作者 李艳 LI Yan(Beijing Electronic Science and Technology Institute,Beijing 100070,P.R.China)
出处 《北京电子科技学院学报》 2020年第4期56-61,共6页 Journal of Beijing Electronic Science And Technology Institute
关键词 美国分层网络威慑战略 战略体系 拒止型威慑 layered cyber deterrence in the U.S. strategic architecture deterrence by denial
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