

Design of a Ka-band cryogenic limited amplifier
摘要 通过对核心低温器件进行低温参数测试的方式进行选型和设计,制作了一款MMIC集成结构的Ka频段低温限幅放大器,测试结果表明,在物理环境温度20 K下,工作频带32 GHz~38 GHz范围内,其噪声温度T_(e)≤73 K,增益≥16.8 dB,限幅耐功率电平≥2 W,能够有效提升接收机系统灵敏度和抗烧毁能力。 A Ka-band cryogenic limited amplifier was designed and fabricated. The test results show that at the environment temperature of 20 K, with band-width range of 32~38 GHz, the noise temperature of the amplifier is lower than 73 K, the small signal gain is higher than 16.8 dB, and the power tolerance level is higher than 2 W, which can effectively improve the sensitivity of the receiver system and the ability to resist microwave consuming.
作者 宾峰 贺俊霞 陆勤龙 王自力 Bin Feng;He Junxia;Wang Zili;Lu Qinlong(The 16th Institute of CETC,Hefei 230088,China;Key Laboratory of Superconducting and Electronic Technologies,CETC,Hefei 230088,China)
出处 《低温与超导》 CAS 北大核心 2021年第1期106-110,共5页 Cryogenics and Superconductivity
基金 安徽省合肥市关键技术研发项目(J2020G02)资助。
关键词 低温限幅放大器 噪声温度 参数测试 Cryogenic limited amplifier Noise temperature Parameter measure
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