
北京协和医学院超声诊断教学需求的问卷调查及反馈分析 被引量:5

Analysis of the needs and feedbacks of diagnostic ultrasound teaching based on questionnaire at Peking Union Medical College
摘要 目的对北京协和医学院八年制临床医学学生传统超声教学现状及对新型教学模式的需求进行调查研究。方法问卷调查八年制学生传统超声诊断教学现状、对新型教学模式的评价,对比北京协和医学院试点班新型超声诊断教学的反馈结果,为课程设置提出建议。结果八年制临床医学学生对超声诊断学科的基础知识及技术发展的知晓程度不佳,对目前教学效果不满意,希望在教学内容、授课方式及课程安排方面改进课程。结论建议医学院校针对学生需求调整课程涉及教学方式,重视健康人体解剖结构及常见疾病的超声检查术表现等基础内容。 Objective This study aims to investigate the current situation of ultrasonographic teaching and learning needs from eight-year program undergraduates in Peking Union Medical College.Methods Questionnaires of the current situation about ultrasonographic teaching and learning needs from students were collected and compared with feedbacks from students from 4+4 pilot project curriculum who received a new pattern of ultrasonographic teaching.Results The students of eight-year program showed weakness in understanding of definition and development of ultrasound discipline,basic knowledge and ultrasonographic technology.They were not satisfied with the current ultrasonographic teaching and hoped to improve the curriculum content and teaching pathway.Conclusions Based on these results,the ultrasonographic curriculum design and teaching patterns should be adjusted according to students'demands and emphasize essential and basic knowledge such as ultrasonographic manifestations of normal human anatomy and that found in common diseases.
作者 王欣 王铭 赵峻 王亚红 吕珂 朱庆莉 李建初 姜玉新 杨萌 WANG Xin;WANG Ming;ZHAO Jun;WANG Ya-hong;LYU Ke;ZHU Qing-li;LI Jian-chu;JIANG Yu-xin;YANG Meng(Department of Ultrasound Medicine,Peking Union Medical College Hospital,CAMS&PUMC,Beijing 100730,China;Department of Education, Peking Union Medical College Hospital,CAMS & PUMC, Beijing 100730, China)
出处 《基础医学与临床》 2021年第3期452-455,共4页 Basic and Clinical Medicine
基金 北京协和医学院2020年中央高校教育教学改革专项基金(2020zlgc0120) 中国医学科学院教育教学改革项目(10023201600106) 北京协和医学院2016年教育教学改革项目(2016zlgc0113) 北京协和医学院小规模特色办学教育改革项目(10023201501007)。
关键词 超声诊断教学 教学改革 课程设计 临床医学教学 diagnostic ultrasonographic teaching teaching reform curriculum design clinical medical teaching
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