
《商业银行法》组织制度修改中的权责分配问题 被引量:2

The distribution of the Powers(rights)and Responsibilities in Amending the Organization System of Commercial Bank Law
摘要 第十二届全国人大常委会将修改《商业银行法》纳入立法规划,作为“需要抓紧工作,条件成熟时提请审议”的项目。现已转入第十三届全国人大常委会的立法规划,并开始正式起草修改草案。《商业银行法》主要包括组织制度和业务制度两个方面的内容,业务制度的内容经过长期的实践相对比较成熟;现行组织制度基本是按照传统的公司制度设计的,没有充分考虑到商业银行的特殊性,即使是从《公司法》的角度考虑也存在一定的问题。商业银行的股东会(或成员会)仅应是股东(或成员)的权力机构,董事会(或理事会)应对银行负责而不是对股东会(或成员会)负责;商业银行的监督管理、准入审核、危机处置等权力责任,应在中央银行、存款保险公司和行业监管机关之间进行合理分配。 The Standing Committee of the Twelfth National People’s Congress(NPC)has incorporated the amendment of the Commercial Bank Law into its legislative plan as an item to be submitted for consideration.It has now been transferred to the legislative plan of the Standing Committee of the Thirteenth National People’s Congress and has begun to draft amendments.The Commercial Bank Law includes two aspects:the organization system and the business system.The business system is matured relatively after a long period of practice;the organization system is designed according to the traditional company system,and the particularity of the commercial bank is not taken into account.The shareholders‘meeting(or membership meeting)of commercial banks should be the authorities of shareholders(or members)only,the board of directors(or board of governors)should be responsible to the bank and not to the shareholders’meeting(or membership meeting);the regulation of commercial banks,access admission,crisis management and other powers and responsibilities should be distributed among the Central Bank,Deposit Insurance Company and Industry Regulatory Authority reasonably.
作者 刘少军 LIU Shao-jun(China University of Political Science and Law,Beijing 100088,China)
机构地区 中国政法大学
出处 《现代法学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2021年第1期169-185,共17页 Modern Law Science
关键词 主体地位界定 分配基本原则 内部治理分配 准入核准分配 危机处置分配 definition of subject and status basic principles of distribution distribution of internal governance distribution of access admission distribution of crisis management
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