
解释驳斥管理反馈策略对消费者满意度的影响 被引量:6

Impact of Explanation and Refutation Management Response Strategy on Customer Satisfaction
摘要 随着O2O模式的发展,线上平台给消费者和商家提供了交流的渠道,消费者习惯于线下消费体验后在线上评论,管理者可针对消费者评论中的抱怨进行回复解释,已有研究发现管理反馈对消费者满意度有显著影响,但是大多关注是否采用管理反馈策略,忽略了不同管理反馈策略,尤其是解释驳斥管理反馈策略对消费者满意度的影响。基于服务补救理论和公平理论视角,构建解释驳斥管理反馈策略对消费者满意度的影响模型,根据矛盾态度进一步细分消费者评论中蕴含的情绪,将在线评论分为正向、负向、偏正向、偏负向4种类型,探讨不同评论类型对解释驳斥管理反馈策略的调节作用;研究不同星级酒店采用解释驳斥管理反馈策略对消费者满意度的影响,采用在中国某旅行网站抓取的北京地区酒店的99028条数据,用支持向量机方法对消费者评论和酒店回复策略进行分类,用多元线性回归方法验证解释驳斥管理反馈策略对消费者满意度的影响。研究结果表明,①解释驳斥管理反馈策略提高消费者满意度;②不同评论类型对解释驳斥管理反馈策略有调节作用,对偏负向评论使用解释驳斥管理反馈策略增强对消费者满意度的正向作用,对负向评论使用解释驳斥管理反馈策略减弱对消费者满意度的正向作用;③酒店星级对解释驳斥管理反馈策略有调节作用,酒店星级越高,越降低解释驳斥管理反馈策略对消费者满意度的积极作用。系统阐述了解释驳斥管理反馈策略在不同评论类型和酒店星级调节下对消费者满意度的影响,研究结果可以帮助企业制定管理战略,充分利用线上平台进行服务补救,以争取更多的忠诚消费者,对于企业管理具有战略意义。 With the development of the online to offline(O2 O)mode,online platform provides communication channels for customers and businesses.Customers are accustomed to commenting online after offline consumption experience.Managers can respond to complaints in customer reviews.Some scholars have found that management response has a significant impact on customer satisfaction,but most studies focus on whether to use management response strategy,ignoring the impact of different management response strategies on customer satisfaction,especially lack of studying the impact of explanation and refutation management response on customer satisfaction.Based on the analysis of relevant studies about online reviews and online management responses,this study constructs a model of explanation and refutation strategy’s impact on customer satisfaction based on the service recovery theory and the equity theory.According to contradictory attitude of customers’,the study further subdivided the emotions contained in customer reviews into four types:positive,negative,partial positive and partial negative.Our study explores the moderating effect of different types of reviews on explanation and refutation strategy.Meanwhile,our study also explores the different effects of explanation and refutation strategy on customer satisfaction among different levels of star hotels.Using 99028 data of hotels located in Beijing from a travel website in China,this study classifies the consumer reviews and hotel response strategies by SVM.The multiple linear regression method is used to verify the model of explanation and refutation strategy’s impact on customer satisfaction.The results show that:①explanation and refutation management response strategy can improve customer satisfaction;②different types of reviews have moderating effect on explanatory refutation strategy,in which,for partial negative reviews,the use of explanation and refutation strategy can enhance the positive effects on satisfaction;for negative reviews,the use of explanation and refutation strategy will weaken the positive effects on satisfaction;③the levels of star hotels also play a moderating role in explanation and refutation strategy.The higher the hotel star level,the lower the positive effect of explanation and refutation strategy on customer satisfaction.This study systematically expounds the impact of explanation and refutation management response strategy on customer satisfaction under the moderating effect of different comment types and different levels of hotel stars.These conclusions and research methods can better help enterprises formulate management strategies and use online platform to service recovery,in order to gain more loyal customers,which has strategic significance for enterprise management.
作者 郭晓姝 叶强 祁阿莹 张焱 GUO Xiaoshu;YE Qiang;QI Aying;ZHANG Yan(Schocl of Manaaemext,Harbin Institute of TechnoUny,Harbin 160001,China;Schod of Manaaemevt Scievce and Enaineerina,Donabei University of Finance and Economics,Dalian 116925,China;School of Internationai Trane and Economics,University of Interaationai Business and Economics,Beijina 100029,China)
出处 《管理科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2020年第5期58-71,共14页 Journal of Management Science
基金 国家自然科学基金(71601038,71874025,71872034) 中国博士后科学基金(2016M591537) 辽宁省教育厅项目(LN2016YB002,LN2019J08) 辽宁省经济社会发展研究课题(2019lslktwzz-024) 东北财经大学2020年度校级科研项目(DUFE2020Y35)
关键词 解释驳斥 服务补救 消费者满意度 矛盾态度 消费者情绪 explanation and refutation service recovery customer satisfaction contradictory attitude customer emotion
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