Objective To investigate the differences in serum marker levels and detection rates of Down’s screening during early and middle trimester of fresh cycle embryo transfer pregnancy,frozen cycle embryo transfer pregnancy and natural pregnancy.Methods A total of 3 550 single pregnant women were screened by assisted reproductive technology( ART),including 1 231 cases of first trimester screening( 338 cases of fresh transfers,893 cases of frozen embryo transfers),and 2 319 cases of second trimester screening( 647 cases of fresh transfers,1 672 cases of frozen embryo transfers). The control group was single pregnant women with natural conception( NAT),including 12 310 cases of first trimester screening( first trimester NAT group) and23 190 cases of second trimester screening( second trimester NAT group). The levels of serum biochemical markers in early and middle pregnancy were quantitatively detected by time-resolved fluorescence method and the NT thickness value was detected by color ultrasound. The levels of various indicators and the detection rate of Down’s syndrome in early and middle pregnancy of the three groups were compared. Results Except for PAPP-A in the first trimester screening,there were significant differences in other serum markers between groups( P < 0. 05). After multiple comparisons,it was found that the level of free h CGβin the three groups of early pregnancy had statistical significance( P < 0. 05),and the thickness of NT in the natural pregnancy group was lower than that in the frozen embryo group and the fresh embryo group. The levels of AFP and UE3 in frozen embryo group were higher than those in fresh embryo group and natural pregnancy group. The level of free h CGβ in natural pregnancy group was lower than that in fresh embryo group and frozen embryo group. The high-risk detection rate of 21 trisomy and critical risk detection rate in the natural pregnancy group were higher than those in the frozen embryo group and the fresh embryo group,and the high-risk detection rate of NTD in the frozen embryo group was higher than that in the natural pregnancy group.Conclusion There are some differences in serum markers and detection rates between pregnancies conceived via fresh and frozen-thawed embryo transfers and those conceived spontaneously in first and middle trimester pregnancy. Therefore,the risk calculation of different assisted reproductive modes can be adjusted properly to avoid high positive rate of screening and reduce unnecessary invasive prenatal diagnosis.
PAN Xiao-li;BAO You-wei;PAN Shu-qing;PAN Jie-wen;ZHUANG Dan-yan;LI Hai-bo(Ningbo Key Laboratory of Integrated Prevention and Treatment of Birth Defects,Ningbo,Zhejiang 315012,China)
Chinese Journal of Health Laboratory Technology
Fresh cycle embryo transfer pregnancy
Frozen-cycle embryo transfer pregnancy
Natural pregnancy
Down's screening