In the present work,we used five different versions of the quark-meson coupling(QMC)model to compute astrophysical quantities related to the GW170817 event and the neutron star cooling process.Two of the models are based on the original bag potential structure and three versions consider a harmonic oscillator potential to confine quarks.The bag-like models also incorporate the pasta phase used to describe the inner crust of neutron stars.With a simple method studied in the present work,we show that the pasta phase does not play a significant role.Moreover,the QMC model that satisfies the GW170817 constraints with the lowest slope of the symmetry energy exhibits a cooling profile compatible with observational data.
This work is a part of the projet INCT-FNA Proe.(464898/2014-5),was partially supprted by CNPq(Brazil)(301155.2017-8)(D.P.M.),310242/2017-7,406958/2018-1(O.L),308486/2015-3(T.F.),43369/2018-3(M.D.),by Capes-PNPD program(C.V.F),and by Fundacio de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado de Sio Paulo(FAPESP)under the thematic projescts 2013/26258-4(OL,TF)and 2017/05660-0(OL,M.D.T.E.).R.N.also acknowledges that this project was parly funded by FAPERJ,under grant E-26/203.2992017.M.B.acknowledge the support from FAPESP Project No.2017/05660-0,and FOSTECT Project No.FOSTECT.2019B.04.PDS acknow ledges support from the UK STFC under projeet number ST/P005314/1。