

Does Individual Performance Related Pay Plans Certainly Have a Motivative Effect?
摘要 绩效工资已成为我国薪酬支付的主流方式之一,但是有关绩效工资对员工绩效影响到底如何却一直备受争议。基于此,从优劣两方面分析了基于员工个人绩效的工资计划。它不仅会提高组织内部薪酬分配的公平性,还会使得被激励的行为更有可能在组织中重复出现,更容易使个人目标与组织目标达成一致。但是必须指出的是,该计划在个人层面上显现出的缺点是显而易见的。它会破坏团队之间的合作、过于强调外在的金钱激励而降低工作本身的内在激励、扭曲员工的工作动机而产生不道德行为等。结论指出,设计有效的绩效工资计划应遵循四个基本原则以及成功实施该计划的适用条件。 Performance related pay has become one of the mainstream ways of payment in China,but the impact of PRP on employee performance has been controversial.Based on this,this paper analyzes the merit and demerits of the plan of individual pay on performance.It will not only improve the fairness of salary distribution within the organization,but also make the encouraged behavior more likely to be repeated.On the other hand,it is easier to align individual with organizational goals.But it must be pointed out that the shortcomings of the plan at the individual level are obvious.It will not only destroy the cooperation between the team,but also reduce the intrinsic motivation of the work itself because of too much emphasis on external financial incentives,and distort the work motivation of employees to produce unethical behavior.Finally,this paper points out the four basic principles that should be followed in designing an effective PRP plans and the applicable conditions for the successful implementation of the plan.
作者 万希 刘烨 吴晓芷 WAN Xi;LIU Ye;WU Xiaozhi(不详)
机构地区 广东财经大学
出处 《上海市经济管理干部学院学报》 2021年第2期40-46,共7页 Journal of Shanghai Economic Management College
关键词 绩效工资 组织公平 团队合作 沟通 Performance Related Pay(PRP) Organizational Equity Teamwork Communication
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