

Research on the pushback rate control strategy of the aircraft based on the single runway operation
摘要 为提升离港航空器在廊桥推出时机的控制精度,有效减少航空器地面滑出等待时间和燃油消耗,降低机场管制员工作负荷,提出了一种航空器推出率控制的计算方法。首先构建单跑道排队模型和滑行道系统模型,然后提出了推出率计算步骤和控制模型,最后基于机场管制模拟仿真平台,使用首都国际机场样本数据对模型进行了检验。结果表明,在一个高峰小时内实施推出率控制策略之后,离港航空器的平均滑出时间和燃油消耗总量分别下降了73.50%和74.72%,机场管制员的总工作负荷下降了15.11%,表明该方法是可行的。研究结果可为管制单位在繁忙时段合理控制航空器的廊桥推出率提供参考。 The present paper is inclined to propose a calculation method for the pushback rate control of the departing aircraft so as to reduce the workload of the aerodrome controllers and improve the control accuracy of the pushback timing to reduce the taxi out time effectively and the fuel consumption of the aircraft.To achieve the purpose,it is necessary first of all to build up a model of the single runway system( including the single runway queuing model and runway capacity calculation model) as well as the taxiway system model. And,then,we would like to put forward the calculation steps( including the calculations of the service rate,the arrival rate of the single runway queuing system and the optimistic number of the aircraft to be launched up,etc.).And,finally,the model has to be tested along with the sampling data of Beijing Capital International Airport and the control model of the pushback rate based on the aerodrome control simulation platform. The results of our study indicate that,once the implementation of the pushback rate control strategy has been done during a peak hours,the average taxi out time could be cut off by73. 50%,mainly due to the queuing time of the departing aircraft off the runway being converted to the waiting time at the gate. The total fuel consumption of all the departing aircraft during the taxi out phase on the ground can also be reduced by74. 72%. And,the number of instructions,the communication duration and the visual observation time of aerodrome controller may also be cut short by 19. 50%,29. 90% and 11. 98% respectively,whereas the total workload of the aerodrome controller shall be decreased by 15. 11%. In addition,the workload of the aerodrome controller can also be relieved off relatively in average during the peak hour,so as to get rid of the workload peak,which can likely be conducive to flight safety events. And,so,the calculation method of the pushback rate control proves feasible and helps to produce nice valuable effects on making full use of the airport resources,mitigating the airport ground congestion,so as to reduce the fuel cost of the airlines and the workload of the aerodrome controllers. The results of our study can thus be taken as qualified enough to provide valuable reference for the air traffic management departments to control the pushback rate of the departing aircraft during the peak hours.
作者 周建 赵嶷飞 沈冰 申蕾 ZHOU Jian;ZHAO Yi-fei;SHEN Bing;SHEN Lei(College of Air Traffic Management,Civil Aviation University of China,Tianjin 300300,China;Public Area Management Department,Beijing Capital Intermnational Airport Co.,Ltd.,Beijing 100621,China)
出处 《安全与环境学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2020年第6期2239-2245,共7页 Journal of Safety and Environment
基金 中央高校基本科研业务费专项基金项目(3122017065) 科技部国家重点研发计划项目(2016YFB0502400) 天津市自然科学基金项目(18JCQNJC04300)。
关键词 安全管理工程 地面拥堵 推出率 智能控制 空中交通管理 safety control ground congestion pushback rate intelligent control air traffic management
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