采用工艺流程节点分析法对江西省再生铜间接利用冶炼企业(不含高品位二次铜资源直接利用、再生铜预处理和原生铜冶炼搭配处理再生铜过程)的原辅料使用、生产环节、工业危险废物产生量和铜产品产量等进行统计分析,结合实测法和物料衡算法核实危险废物产生及处理数据的真实性和准确性,综合核算再生铜间接利用冶炼行业工业危险废物产生系数。结果表明,一段法火法精炼烟尘灰产生系数为0.5~26.5 kg/t,二段法还原熔炼烟尘灰、还原熔炼脱硫渣、火法精炼烟尘灰、火法精炼脱硫渣、电解精炼阳极泥、电解液净化粗制硫酸镍及贵金属回收分银渣的产生系数分别为7.9~331.6 kg/t、1.5~72.9 kg/t、4.9~43.9 kg/t、0.1~17.9 kg/t、2.7~17.3 kg/t、2.5~54.3 kg/t和4010~15050kg/t。
This article is inclined to make an investigation of the current status-in-situ of the industrial hazardous waste generation and disposal with the indirectly utilized secondary copper smelters in Jiangxi,China through the technical process and modal analysis.Our investigation can be said including the industrial production process,including the copper smelting,copper refining,copper electrolysis,the production waste electrolyte recycling,as well as the precious metal recovery process.However,it is inclined to exclude the irrelevant processes,such as the direct utilization of high-grade 2 nd copper,the pre-treatment of the2 nd copper,and the joint application of the primary copper smelting process,etc.The hazardous wastes generation factor of the indirect utilization secondary copper smelting industry has also be calculated and worked out through measurement,the material flow accounting and material balancing.Moreover,the estimated hazardous wastes generation factor has also to be taken into consideration and verified by the material scale algorithm so as to account for the authenticity and accuracy of the hazardous waste factor and treatment data,with all the sampling data returned to the typical enterprise for verification.On the other hand,additional verification has also to be done,including the elimination of the abnormal data so as to ensure the data quality control,and the categorization of the industrial hazardous wastes for the indirect utilization of the 2-nd copper smelting industry.The results of our testing and experiment prove that the generation factor on account of the one-stage method reduction furnace ash should be equal to 0.5-26.5 kg/t,whereas the production factor of the two-stage method reduction furnace ash,the desulfurization slag,the refining furnace ash,the refining desulfurization slag,the anode slag,the crude sulfuric nickel and the precious metal recovery slag should be taken account for as 7.9-331.6 kg/t,1.5-72.9 kg/t,4.9-43.9 kg/t,0.1-17.9 kg/t,2.7-17.3 kg/t,2.5-54.3 kg/t and 4010-15050 kg/t,respectively and correspondingly.And,so,the generation of the hazardous wastes estimated by authors of this article has to be within10%of the actual amount of the total production.Among them,the difference rate has to be in the sphere of at least about 10%,which can fully guarantee the data quality of the estimated hazardous wastes generation.And,thus,the given study can be taken as the proper identification of the hazardous wastes generation factor in the indirect utilization of the 2 nd copper smelting industry for the first time.And,so,it can be taken as a proper estimation for filling up the gap of the hazardous wastes generation factor in the given industry,and in turn to provide a valuable reference to the indirect utilization methodology and data support for the environmental management of such hazardous wastes.
YU Qiang;LU Ding;LI Yan-mei;ZOU Xin;ZHU Jiang(Solid Waste Management Center of Jiangxi Province,Nanchang 330077,China;Jiangxi Huagan Environmental Group Co.,Ltd.,Nanchang 330000,China;Shanghai Academy of Environmental Sciences,Shanghai 200233,China)
Journal of Safety and Environment
environmental engineering
hazardous wastes
coefficient of generation
technics process
nodal analysis
secondary copper smelting