

Attitudes Towards North Korean Immigrants’Naturalization in China by Different Parties From 1903 to 1931
摘要 1903年是朝鲜沦为日本殖民地的前夕。1931年是中国东北沦为日本殖民地的前夕。1903—1931年,朝鲜难民大量涌入中国东北,这期间作为第三方的国民党政府如何处理难民成为一个牵动政治布局的事情。日本政府武力和拉拢两种手段并用,威逼在中国的朝鲜移民顺从日本政府。朝鲜移民虽有入籍中国得以庇护的愿望,但是国民党政府因为惧怕日本借口朝鲜移民挑起争端,曲意迎合日本,压制朝鲜移民。各级官僚害怕引火上身各自明哲保身,国家大义无人问津,为日后东北一枪不放而沦陷留下了思想苗头。围绕朝鲜移民入籍中国问题,朝鲜移民自身、中国国民党政府、日本政府三方态度颇可为研读历史者玩味感叹。本文依托相关档案资料,试图再现这段历史。 It was the eve of North Korea becoming a Japanese colony in 1903 while it was the eve of northeast China becoming a Japanese colony in 1931.From 1903 to 1931,a large number of North Korean refugees flooded into northeast China.How the Kuomintang government as a third party dealt with the refugees became a matter affecting the political layout.The Japanese government used both force and coziness to coerce North Korean immigrants in China into obeying the Japanese government.Although North Korean immigrants had the desire to naturalize in China to gain asylum,the Kuomintang government,fearing that the Japanese would provoke a dispute under the pretext of North Korean immigrants,sought to ingratiate itself with Japan by suppressing the North Korean immigrants.Officials at all levels were afraid of getting burned,so they just kept their nose clean and no one cared about the national righteousness,which lay hidden thinking dangers for the future occupation of the Northeast by Japan without fighting.The three different attitudes towards the issue of naturalization as Chinese by North Korean immigrants themselves,the Kuomintang and the Japanese government were thought-provoking for history researchers.This paper tries to reproduce this period of history by relying on relevant archival materials.
作者 秦文鹏 邸家琴 Qin Wenpeng;Di Jiaqin
出处 《兰台世界》 2021年第2期123-127,共5页 Lantai World
基金 黑龙江省社会科学研究规划项目“城市化背景下黑龙江省少数民族人口流动与社会发展研究”(项目编号:19MZB048)。
关键词 1903—1931 朝鲜移民 入籍 from 1903 to 1931 North Korean immigrants naturalization
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