印度马哈拉施特拉邦马哈巴莱斯赫瓦尔地区一处高地森林的空气中分离出一种有趣的无性型真菌。该菌分生孢子梗直立,束生,具隔膜和分支,无色,产孢细胞瓶梗状,分生孢子无色,细长状至弧形、舟形或镰刀菌状。基于形态学研究和rD NA(ITS1-5.8S-ITS2和LSU)的系统发育分析结果证实该物种是丛赤壳科1新种。本文详细描述了该新物种并绘制了线条图。本属的大部分物种陆生,而少数物种水生。本研究首次发现该属物种也可存在于空气中。
An interesting asexual fungus with erect,synnematous,septate,branched,hyaline conidiophores,phialidic conidiogenous cells,and elongated to curved,navicular,Fusarium-like,hyaline conidia was isolated from air in a highland forest in Mahabaleshwar,Maharashtra,India. Detailed morphological studies and sequence analyses of the ITS1-5.8 S-ITS2 and LSU regions confirmed that the isolate belongs to the genus Fusicolla in Nectriaceae. This is described and illustrated here as the new species Fusicolla hughesii. Most of species in Fusicolla are terrestrial while a few shows aquatic affinity including marine. This is the first report of a species in the genus isolated from the air.
Sanjay K.Singh
Shiwali Rana
Jayarama D.Bhat
Paras Nath Singh
Sanjay K.Singh;Shiwali Rana;Jayarama D.Bhat;Paras Nath Singh(National Fungal Culture Collection of India,Biodiversity and Palaeolnology Group,Agharkar Research Institute,Pune 411004,India;Formerlv,Department of Botany,Goa University,Goa 403206,India)
Journal of Fungal Research